Tuesday, May 5, 2009

:: つまらない Aries Part 2 ::

Insert: Nyan Nyan Special Service Medley (Tokumori)

Today began nice. Got good foods and good musics. Not to metion, good place! That's like, one of the most important thing to begin a new day~

Speaking of music, I think I'm addicted to Macross Frontier's songs... I mean, they're just so good~ Although in house never listened once? I think, since I have more songs to listen XP. I mean, there's 60g of songs waiting for me to listen! Of course, that's 'cause they're big as files... But in Windows Media Library, I have 5k songs! WTH?!?! 95% are JAP, I think, and the rest are others. Not udders you pervs!!! X3

Oh yeah, speaking of udders, I really learnt a lot from Niro. He taught me about Russell Peters, then 'bout Sephiroth, and more! Of course, all are funny stuffs! X3 They're never serious, and I knew very well about it.

...During School Time...

OMG! Bee Movie! XD There's a HUGE Bee flew into the class, scaring the hell out of Niro and Zaniel, the guy sitting beside him. They ran out from the seats first, making a huge ruckus and laughters in the class. Me and Evan were still blur at the moment, before we encounter mister bee face to face. We're shocked and jolted out from our seats too.

We waited for the bee to go out from the class, but it didn't seem wanted to get out the class. Instead, it flew more into the class, hovered in the air through the whole class, scaring the heck out from the girls especially. They left their seats quickly, and watched the bee. At last, the bee flew out, and the class returned normal. Phew... what a relieve! It was 5 mins during English period until the bee flew out. What a scary period to open the day...

Haiz, genki wa nai... Ano hito ga inai dakara... 真的跟我的歌一样了。。。“貴方が一緒時 Happy, 貴方が入ない時Down”. Hmm... Wonder what really is happening towards me...难道我真的把他当作“中心に回る”?Haha...真奇怪呢。。。用自己做得歌拿来写blog, 而不是拿我的blog里写的东西来写歌。。。Hmm... 太奇怪了。。。

Oh, I just found out that “Luv-ya” is VERY EASY to say, as if it had became a common phrase for me. But I know very well that this is just joking, and a way of appreciation. And, it's only for that moment, for me lolz~

PS: So if you ever get “Luv-Ya” by me, it means “Thank you SUPERBLY much”.

Though I know, very sure of myself, that I have a real problem of expressing “我喜欢你”to the one that I really, really, loved and cared of. But the power of the words are less strong than “I love You”, and I wonder why I just can't say “我爱你”。 Because it sounds more like “Luv-ya”? Hmm...

Weird. I'm weird. Seriously.

And yes, I do know that I'm weird, but some people AKA my friends still can bear with it, and some even likes my weirdness. Hmm... guess that's because they're weirder than I am? XD

How much do I want to see true snows, even just for once in this year.
How much do I want to capture a rainbow firefly, if it really appeared in front of me.
How much do I want to take a picture with the greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena.
How much do I want to become a cat, and have a Goshujin to care about me...

But those are nothing but fantasies of mine. Obviously.
Heh, I really do have a great imagination, eh?
Oh well, only those who knows my story understands why it's impossible.
And yes, it's 80% impossible, and 20% hope.
Never will be possiblity.

Oh, and the song reccom per entry! I represents... Nyan Nyan Service Medley (Tokumori)!!

(Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAmwDdgANIU&feature=PlayList&p=987842B054ECC8CF&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=7
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ05CtaAwbY&feature=PlayList&p=987842B054ECC8CF&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=8)

I can't tell you about the songs, but I know they're good, REALLY GOOD. And I can only tell you about what songs they had, and in order.
3.Watashi no Kare wa PILOT
4.Diamond Crevasse
5.Seikan Hikou
6.What 'bout My Star
7.Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late
9.Anata no Oto
11.What 'bout My Star (Again, yes)
12.Lion (Yes, back to Lion)
13.Ai Oboeteimasu ka
14.Lion (Ends with this song too.)

I can tell you, this is the best medley EVER I've heard until now. I swear, you will LOVE it!!!

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