So, what's the borderline between love and friendship?
Was it, like Wayne said, friendship will only bring you to a cinema and nothing more, but love will ask you to bed and wants more?
In my opinion, it's not.
To me, friendship is more than just a cinema's fun could bring you.
Friendship is something much deeper than that.
You can share like almost anything include your love life with your bestest best friend, and they will make you happy, make you laugh, and spice up your life.
True friends will stay beside you, give you advices when you're in deep trouble, and even help you out with everything they had.
True friends will comfort you and listen to you when you're in a bad mood.
True friends would never betray you for anything, excluding their family's life or their lover's life, of course.
True friends would understand your choices of choosing your dearest over them.
True friends would even argue with their dearest just to save you from your most critical moments...
But of course, not all of them are as willing as that.
Love, however, is the biggest confusion that I'm thinking about it right now.
So, you're caring so much about this person, and he or she does the same. But, are they in love with each other?
So, you're giving so much towards this person, though he or she didn't have any reactions at all. Well, are you two a couple?
So, you're feeling tonnes of happiness with this person, who makes you happy, understood you, shares everything with you, and even willing to risk his or her time for you. But are you two a couple?
So, you're feeling so torn apart with this person, who makes your heart break, maybe hates you, being so distant and cold with you, but a tiny thing that he or she do will make you happy for the whole day. Is this how a couple should be?
So, you're very close to this person, and the both of you are so much in sync, understood each other so well that you're like a pair of twin, that everyone would thought and even hoped that you two are a couple. But, are you two having feelings for each other?
So, you're originally a best friend towards this person, but then you two became a secret couple that nobody knew about it. Then, the two of you became so distant to each other that it's on the verge to break up, but since both of you originally best friends so you two still care about each other just in case the if the other, or the others, might suspect... so are the two of you still having feeling for each other? Or the both of you are just friends now? But how can you define being just friends without having a mistake at your own feelings?
One is your true friend, one is a total stranger, and the other is an ex. But there's no lines saying "if you cross this line, you're in love with him or her". It can be emotionally, it can be physically, but there's still not a line.
Love is a feeling, that you cared a lot and want to know more about your lover, that you wanted to be together with your lover, that you desired to be the only one of your lover. But the confusion starts even before you two are a couple, or maybe it might be mixed up with what true friendship is.
The unknown jealousy, the odd thoughts of being only with him/her, the fantasy of you two being together as a couple... and all those "What If"s.
But then, you realize that you're not really "in love" with him or her. It's merely just a crush or some kind of mixed and confused feeling.
That's why, I'm still thinking.
What's exactly the borderline of love and friendship?
Could they mean deeper than what I thought of, or simpler than I could think of?
PS: Oh yes, I do need people's opinion here. PX Just reply anywhere you like, LOL 8D
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
100th Entry? 8D
Insert Playlist: Durarara!!
Wow, such a looooooong while since I've written anything in this blog. Heh, I guess I must've been being lazy for too much times PX
What inspired (or reminded) me to write this right now, is nothing than a tagged post in FB. Meh, I've been indulged to FB too much .w. Feel so sorry for myself PX
Anyway, from THIS DAY onwards... (30days to CF! Hurray~ 8D) I shall be keeping fit to EXTREME MEASURES until the day of CF... okay, maybe until Kou's birthday. But right now, I'm not going to take any sweet stuffs (fresh fruits aside), fat-stuffs (cheese, you can die), and... well, snacks and everything. And currently, I'm resuming (finally) my DDR (though I regretted in deleting the previous file accidentally... OTL)
Hopefully, seriously I PRAY TO GOD (Namo Amitabha... *prays*), that I WILL erase this round thing that's suppose to by my stomach right now, and renew my glory of my SEME face!!! *roars*
Kou... I hate myself for unable to resist you... I've said that once and I shall say that again. The places you bring me go are just... MMMMGH~ Delicious... *drools* But that's gonna stop! I'm not going to eat... until I erase this huge ball of mine here! GRAAAAAAH!!!
*cough* That aside... The real purpose of me being here, is because of that tag.
*sigh* To be honest, I've never thought that I need to choose one day to be relieved. And of course, it's none other than that day... the day that did not exist in this blog (It's a secret, until now, shh XP)
And to find THAT DAY, I went through every single password for my diary (damn, I tried everything but nothing), until the very, VERY, exotic (kinda) password came towards me, and I was like "OHHHH YESSSSSS!!!"
Then, I began to reread parts that I wrote.
2. LOLOLOL! That fella's so TSUNTSUN!!! XDDD
3. "Thank you Thomas! Thank you Thomas! Thank you Thomas!" - by an uncle who did a ceramah last year
And I regretted.
1. A lot about that fella, of course.
3. The last day that I wrote in my diary...
Of how STUPID I am, and of course, all the good memories that all of us can retain.
But not anymore.
Finally, after I've gone through 90% of the diary, finally I found it. Yes, there it is... 14th of August. I can still remember that it's around the time of H1N1 LOLOLOL PX
Then, the next entry and the last one, is the end of my whole diary of 2009. I guess I just don't have the feel to write it anymore - or at least, it doesn't felt to be interesting and secretive to be put into the diary anymore. Heh, my life is sure sad, eh?
I feel so happy, when I remembered what happened those good days.
I feel so regretful, when I review my own stupid mistakes in both friendship and love-ship (LOL)
I feel so sad, about those bad things in my diary...
And... well, I don't wish to take it out the second time around this year, unless there's an important event. And 2009 is already ended. This is 2010, and there's no secret to be hidden anymore. Or at least, not that much that I need to hide it up to my own anymore.
I am, a free man- I mean, GURL! PX
And since I'm over 2009, I might want to recall about what happened this year (until today, of course) Of course, I shall only be talking about the big stuffs.
3 months in Kem Princess Haliza. Bad things happened much during these times. But I don't really regret in going in. Well, at least I've seen things, though they're bad. And I actually learned something... little, things. And if you're on the positive side, you actually learn something from their classes, and the marchings. But then, I'm on the wrong side, and I can only see bad stuffs in the camp. Guess I'm just so bad luck eh?
1. Didn't get to shoot real bullets and know my aim.
2. Being in the worst company, and dorm.
3. Meet good friends only the last two weeks, and didn't get enough time to spend with them.
Hell yeah, I'm sad.
Second time to Japan, and not my favorite place at all. Why? It's so DAMN cold, and it only gone better during summer. *sigh* Oh well, at least their foods there still nice =3
It was, have to say, an enjoyable journey... if my families ain't there, it'll be PERFECT.
I've been to Japan twice, and I have to say I love it MORE. And I wish to go there again... and again, and again...
My next stop: Kyoto! (At least my family will bring me there? Who knows)
My most-wanted stop: AKIHABARA!!!!!!! (My family will NEVER bring me there =w=)
Learning stuffs
Beginning August, I've been learning drumming and vocals. And initially, dancing, but sadly the dancing teacher wasn't good enough to teach properly (and she's always late). Of course, I got my license to drive as well! Good stuff eh? 8D
Drumming: Being August as Grade 1, currently (November) Grade 5? (Wow, I'mma skipping REAL fast? Owo)
Vocals: Going into themes... And I DO learn a lot from here =3 (Hell, my teacher's a real artiste okay?)
Dancing: Only for one month - not really, just 2 weeks. The first month, she only came for twice, and she skipped for the other two times. I found that it's not a good thing, and her teaching skill is not that good as well (some others are complaining too). I guess cheap teachers doesn't make any good, eh?
Drive: Got my P in August, driving for 2 (3) months, and... well, I can say I scratched my beige Wira on the right side until it's... well, I can say it's very sad. .w. W-well! At least I maintained the left side clean! 8D (Meaning, I will let myself die first before my passengers! PX)
Cosplay event
My first ever Cosplay event: Animangaki. It's held in Sunway College. I must say, the experience... is very new to me. And ZOMG, my first time wearing a TRUE heels! 8D And first time wearing lenses to an event. Though... Well, I took them off halfway PX (Can't hold the lenses any longer @w@)
From this, I also met a lot of people: Reina/Luka-nii/IZAYAAAAAA/Sebas-chan (Walao, so many nicknames Owo), Louise/LuLu?, Hikari/Vanessa, Allysa/Alli, Sherly, and... more. But I don't really remember the names =w=
And so, I cos as... well, my original character. WAS going to cos as Ritsu (ED version), but I didn't have the headband, so I abandoned that idea. Thank god Kou was there to help me out (he's now my unofficial butler 8D) for everything, I get to cos as this... Vampire-kinda-character. And thanks to Mel for introducing Anatomi to me, I'm able to cos as this =3
Kou is cossing as, VERY, OBVIOUSLY, L. From Death Note.
Yuki's cossing as Vocaloid Luka - which, well, the original Luka is Reina (everything about the current Luka that Yuki's cossing is Reina's too).
Luka's cossing as both Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji) and Izaya (DRRR??? Or KHR? Wasn't sure... Forgot PX). DAMN, S/HE'S HAWT!!!
The rest, I'm not going to say, because I'm not really sure @w@
Anyway, that day... is FUN. Why?
I can only say that word *loves*
Okay, literally, we took a lot of Scandal pictures - L x Izaya, L x Luka, Izaya x Luka, L x Izaya x Luka... WHAT ELSE?!?! Oh, I know... Sherly x L x Izaya x Luka. I'm, almost, squealing the whole day, holding Reina/Izaya's camera and SNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAP...
I nearly CRIED!!!
ZOMG, all the BEST pictures are IN. THERE!!!
/(QAQ)\ Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~
Oh well, it nonetheless, a good day to be remembered =3
Yuki's Birthday
I + Kou + Luka-nii had already been planning for this for more than a month (I guess). We plan to give her a surprise party (kinda), and Kou even planned to bake a cake!
However, there's some sad cases here:
1. We forgot to buy the mango paste.
2. We forgot to buy double wipcream (sp?)
3. Kou had some SRSBZN with his family right before THAT very day, when he's baking the cake.
4. The cake literally failed. =w=
5. When we already decided on how to surprise Yuki, Yuki break (somehow) the surprise by appearing right in front of the elevator as she's going to throw some trashes.
Happy cases:
1. The cake... is at least still edible PX
2. Yuki's VERY SURPRISE and became VERY (yes, VERY) TsunTsun at our appearance 8D
3. Good foods from Pizza Hut (despise the... news. Y'know.)
4. Good time with the four of us.
5. No strangers barging in 8D
That sums all, I guess =3
17th November
Yes, it was... yesterday. And so, the memory is FRESH.
Morning: Went to Puduraya for the Tailor shop. SOOOOO damn worried that the shop didn't open, but it did - 12p.m. =w= We arrive at 11p.m. (LOL). And so, Kou brought me to good foods 8D Thank him for the pandan thingy and the delicious Green-Bean-Noodle thingy.
Afternoon: We meet up with the Tailor thingy, and began to "negotiate". WOW, it's SO damn CHEAP! For the blazer + the skirt (folded, Japanese style), one set of them is RM315! ZOMG!!! And you know what? When we asked about the prices back in Sg. Wang - for ONLY the blazer - they rated from RM400 and UP! Until we found one shop of RM1k!!! Freaking... And so, without hesitation, we agreed and made it. And... MY GOSH! Kou, you are... ARGH! I'm envious. *rolls eyes* Fine. I'm not gonna talk about how skinny you are! Hmph! (Even Luka's jealous about his body...)
Meet up with Nic + Gracious in LM. Nic dress up normally. But... My gosh, Grace, you dress like a MOTHER. OAO The first comment we said to her as soon as we see her moving down from the elevator (so not Love Story - with elevator and that outfit PX)
We began our plans to smuggle foods into the cinema. First - Subway. I shared a meatball sandwich (sorry, forgot the name, but it was good) with Kou, and the other two had the same thingy. Funny thing is... Grace, are you serious that you wanna put ALLLLLLL sauces into your little sandwich?! Owo
Next stop - 1901. I shared the same hotdog thingy with Kou, and MY GOSH, it's DELICIOUS! The sauces are MMMMMGH~ But of course, I only ate it during cinema time. Grace... You said you don't wanna drink my juice, and you DRANK it. What the... XDDD
We crapped a lot in 1901, until it's the time for the movie. Guess what we're watching today? It's...
*cough* Sorry, it's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. Can't help but wanted to play on the names a bit PX Anyway, IT'S A GREAT SHOW! Good parts in the show:
1. Harry and Hermoine are NEEKID and making out.
2. Bellatrix on Hermoine... looks WRONG.
3. You-Know-Who is so close to the dead-headmaster as if he's trying to kiss him.
4. "William, don't look at me right now. I look ugly" ~ by Fluer, when (s)he's undressing the bra.
5. Ginny is asking Harry to zip the dress... and make out! 8D
6. "Ron, you don't have a wife" ~ by Harry when they're sneaking into the Ministry.
7. Hermoine's eyebrow actions... when Ron is talking.
8. "Dobby... is a free elf!" ~ by Dobby. Ah, I love that scene... and it was sad that Dobby died. I nearly cried. ;w;
9. "Luna? *nods* Luna." ~ by the Trio when they arrive at Lovegood odd "house".
10. And more parts, where I clapped my hands and laughed around. I guess only those that knows English READ GOOD can understand the jokes in the movie Owo
ROFLMAO! The whole show, aside from not-really-horrible-shocks, is HILARIOUS! XDDDDD I don't mind watching the whole thing again *loves* And I suuuure hope that the Part Two can come out sooooon. (I know it's next year, but it doesn't hurt to wish for a lil', right? PX)
Oh, did I mention that I saw Esth0r here? 8D With her- I mean, HIS boy- I mean, GAYfriend.
And so, we went to Popular... and trailing Esth0r (Grace aside, she appeared at the end... from NOWHERE Owo). We act like spies and tried to snap pics of her and the boyfriend. It's so hilarious that we crawled (Yes, CRAWL) about half the Popular to evade her XDDD Nic's glasses hit my head (or vice versa) and it's so painful! (I can still feel it right now owO) Yet, IT'S FUNNY!!! XDDDDDDDDDD (Btw, sorry Nikki for the glasses. .w.)
At the end, she noticed me (exact word: MY BUTT) and started to walk here. We tried to run away, but too slow. PX LOLOLOL, it's just so hilarious! XD Another great experience. Just wish that Mel's here with us too =3
After the... LOLful incident, we went for BR and eat ICE-CREAMS! 8D It's pink day anyway, so there's discounts *loves* The ice-creams are FABULOUS, but sadly, we didn't call the person to change our cones into choco-cones. ;w; The choco-cones are just.... UGGGHHHH~~~ *loves* Must try this again... next year.
We crap a lot there, once again, until seven when we decided to makan. And where to makan?
ZOMG, for the sake of just the steamboat... WE FIND PARKING LIKE... ARGH! Okay, it's my problem lar, I'm driving mah (They say the experience in my car is like a roller coaster, lololol) 8D Still bad in parking skills, lol. And so, after like, 10 minutes? 20 minutes? We finally parked the car, and went to makan steamboat.
Zoh-my-gosh. THERE'S CURRY FOR THE STEAMBOAT SOUP!!! 8DDDDDD Of course, we ordered that and along with the herbal one. The foods here are MARVELOUS, and so is the curry. The herbal one... meh. Okay okay lor.
We ordered drinks too: One carrot milk (DAMN. NICE), one lime-kinda-juice (NICE. TOO), and one HUMONGOUS apple juice (NICE. NICE.)
Suddenly, we realized one thing.
Sandwiches + Carrot milk + lime juice + apple juice + curry + ice-cream = STOMACH ACHE.
But who cares 8D
They're good foods, LOL! XDDD
And steamboat is NEVER been so fun before *loves*
It was the first time, and I guess there's going to be a second time... and MOAR. *lovesloves*
But it was also because of today my stomach turned ROUND.
Wow, such a looooooong while since I've written anything in this blog. Heh, I guess I must've been being lazy for too much times PX
What inspired (or reminded) me to write this right now, is nothing than a tagged post in FB. Meh, I've been indulged to FB too much .w. Feel so sorry for myself PX
Anyway, from THIS DAY onwards... (30days to CF! Hurray~ 8D) I shall be keeping fit to EXTREME MEASURES until the day of CF... okay, maybe until Kou's birthday. But right now, I'm not going to take any sweet stuffs (fresh fruits aside), fat-stuffs (cheese, you can die), and... well, snacks and everything. And currently, I'm resuming (finally) my DDR (though I regretted in deleting the previous file accidentally... OTL)
Hopefully, seriously I PRAY TO GOD (Namo Amitabha... *prays*), that I WILL erase this round thing that's suppose to by my stomach right now, and renew my glory of my SEME face!!! *roars*
Kou... I hate myself for unable to resist you... I've said that once and I shall say that again. The places you bring me go are just... MMMMGH~ Delicious... *drools* But that's gonna stop! I'm not going to eat... until I erase this huge ball of mine here! GRAAAAAAH!!!
*cough* That aside... The real purpose of me being here, is because of that tag.
*sigh* To be honest, I've never thought that I need to choose one day to be relieved. And of course, it's none other than that day... the day that did not exist in this blog (It's a secret, until now, shh XP)
And to find THAT DAY, I went through every single password for my diary (damn, I tried everything but nothing), until the very, VERY, exotic (kinda) password came towards me, and I was like "OHHHH YESSSSSS!!!"
Then, I began to reread parts that I wrote.
2. LOLOLOL! That fella's so TSUNTSUN!!! XDDD
3. "Thank you Thomas! Thank you Thomas! Thank you Thomas!" - by an uncle who did a ceramah last year
And I regretted.
1. A lot about that fella, of course.
3. The last day that I wrote in my diary...
Of how STUPID I am, and of course, all the good memories that all of us can retain.
But not anymore.
Finally, after I've gone through 90% of the diary, finally I found it. Yes, there it is... 14th of August. I can still remember that it's around the time of H1N1 LOLOLOL PX
Then, the next entry and the last one, is the end of my whole diary of 2009. I guess I just don't have the feel to write it anymore - or at least, it doesn't felt to be interesting and secretive to be put into the diary anymore. Heh, my life is sure sad, eh?
I feel so happy, when I remembered what happened those good days.
I feel so regretful, when I review my own stupid mistakes in both friendship and love-ship (LOL)
I feel so sad, about those bad things in my diary...
And... well, I don't wish to take it out the second time around this year, unless there's an important event. And 2009 is already ended. This is 2010, and there's no secret to be hidden anymore. Or at least, not that much that I need to hide it up to my own anymore.
I am, a free man- I mean, GURL! PX
And since I'm over 2009, I might want to recall about what happened this year (until today, of course) Of course, I shall only be talking about the big stuffs.
3 months in Kem Princess Haliza. Bad things happened much during these times. But I don't really regret in going in. Well, at least I've seen things, though they're bad. And I actually learned something... little, things. And if you're on the positive side, you actually learn something from their classes, and the marchings. But then, I'm on the wrong side, and I can only see bad stuffs in the camp. Guess I'm just so bad luck eh?
1. Didn't get to shoot real bullets and know my aim.
2. Being in the worst company, and dorm.
3. Meet good friends only the last two weeks, and didn't get enough time to spend with them.
Hell yeah, I'm sad.
Second time to Japan, and not my favorite place at all. Why? It's so DAMN cold, and it only gone better during summer. *sigh* Oh well, at least their foods there still nice =3
It was, have to say, an enjoyable journey... if my families ain't there, it'll be PERFECT.
I've been to Japan twice, and I have to say I love it MORE. And I wish to go there again... and again, and again...
My next stop: Kyoto! (At least my family will bring me there? Who knows)
My most-wanted stop: AKIHABARA!!!!!!! (My family will NEVER bring me there =w=)
Learning stuffs
Beginning August, I've been learning drumming and vocals. And initially, dancing, but sadly the dancing teacher wasn't good enough to teach properly (and she's always late). Of course, I got my license to drive as well! Good stuff eh? 8D
Drumming: Being August as Grade 1, currently (November) Grade 5? (Wow, I'mma skipping REAL fast? Owo)
Vocals: Going into themes... And I DO learn a lot from here =3 (Hell, my teacher's a real artiste okay?)
Dancing: Only for one month - not really, just 2 weeks. The first month, she only came for twice, and she skipped for the other two times. I found that it's not a good thing, and her teaching skill is not that good as well (some others are complaining too). I guess cheap teachers doesn't make any good, eh?
Drive: Got my P in August, driving for 2 (3) months, and... well, I can say I scratched my beige Wira on the right side until it's... well, I can say it's very sad. .w. W-well! At least I maintained the left side clean! 8D (Meaning, I will let myself die first before my passengers! PX)
Cosplay event
My first ever Cosplay event: Animangaki. It's held in Sunway College. I must say, the experience... is very new to me. And ZOMG, my first time wearing a TRUE heels! 8D And first time wearing lenses to an event. Though... Well, I took them off halfway PX (Can't hold the lenses any longer @w@)
From this, I also met a lot of people: Reina/Luka-nii/IZAYAAAAAA/Sebas-chan (Walao, so many nicknames Owo), Louise/LuLu?, Hikari/Vanessa, Allysa/Alli, Sherly, and... more. But I don't really remember the names =w=
And so, I cos as... well, my original character. WAS going to cos as Ritsu (ED version), but I didn't have the headband, so I abandoned that idea. Thank god Kou was there to help me out (he's now my unofficial butler 8D) for everything, I get to cos as this... Vampire-kinda-character. And thanks to Mel for introducing Anatomi to me, I'm able to cos as this =3
Kou is cossing as, VERY, OBVIOUSLY, L. From Death Note.
Yuki's cossing as Vocaloid Luka - which, well, the original Luka is Reina (everything about the current Luka that Yuki's cossing is Reina's too).
Luka's cossing as both Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji) and Izaya (DRRR??? Or KHR? Wasn't sure... Forgot PX). DAMN, S/HE'S HAWT!!!
The rest, I'm not going to say, because I'm not really sure @w@
Anyway, that day... is FUN. Why?
- S C A N D A L I C I O U S -
I can only say that word *loves*
Okay, literally, we took a lot of Scandal pictures - L x Izaya, L x Luka, Izaya x Luka, L x Izaya x Luka... WHAT ELSE?!?! Oh, I know... Sherly x L x Izaya x Luka. I'm, almost, squealing the whole day, holding Reina/Izaya's camera and SNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAPSNAP...
Sad case, the camera files cannot be read.
I nearly CRIED!!!
ZOMG, all the BEST pictures are IN. THERE!!!
/(QAQ)\ Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~
Oh well, it nonetheless, a good day to be remembered =3
Yuki's Birthday
I + Kou + Luka-nii had already been planning for this for more than a month (I guess). We plan to give her a surprise party (kinda), and Kou even planned to bake a cake!
However, there's some sad cases here:
1. We forgot to buy the mango paste.
2. We forgot to buy double wipcream (sp?)
3. Kou had some SRSBZN with his family right before THAT very day, when he's baking the cake.
4. The cake literally failed. =w=
5. When we already decided on how to surprise Yuki, Yuki break (somehow) the surprise by appearing right in front of the elevator as she's going to throw some trashes.
Happy cases:
1. The cake... is at least still edible PX
2. Yuki's VERY SURPRISE and became VERY (yes, VERY) TsunTsun at our appearance 8D
3. Good foods from Pizza Hut (despise the... news. Y'know.)
4. Good time with the four of us.
5. No strangers barging in 8D
That sums all, I guess =3
17th November
Yes, it was... yesterday. And so, the memory is FRESH.
Morning: Went to Puduraya for the Tailor shop. SOOOOO damn worried that the shop didn't open, but it did - 12p.m. =w= We arrive at 11p.m. (LOL). And so, Kou brought me to good foods 8D Thank him for the pandan thingy and the delicious Green-Bean-Noodle thingy.
Afternoon: We meet up with the Tailor thingy, and began to "negotiate". WOW, it's SO damn CHEAP! For the blazer + the skirt (folded, Japanese style), one set of them is RM315! ZOMG!!! And you know what? When we asked about the prices back in Sg. Wang - for ONLY the blazer - they rated from RM400 and UP! Until we found one shop of RM1k!!! Freaking... And so, without hesitation, we agreed and made it. And... MY GOSH! Kou, you are... ARGH! I'm envious. *rolls eyes* Fine. I'm not gonna talk about how skinny you are! Hmph! (Even Luka's jealous about his body...)
Meet up with Nic + Gracious in LM. Nic dress up normally. But... My gosh, Grace, you dress like a MOTHER. OAO The first comment we said to her as soon as we see her moving down from the elevator (so not Love Story - with elevator and that outfit PX)
We began our plans to smuggle foods into the cinema. First - Subway. I shared a meatball sandwich (sorry, forgot the name, but it was good) with Kou, and the other two had the same thingy. Funny thing is... Grace, are you serious that you wanna put ALLLLLLL sauces into your little sandwich?! Owo
Next stop - 1901. I shared the same hotdog thingy with Kou, and MY GOSH, it's DELICIOUS! The sauces are MMMMMGH~ But of course, I only ate it during cinema time. Grace... You said you don't wanna drink my juice, and you DRANK it. What the... XDDD
We crapped a lot in 1901, until it's the time for the movie. Guess what we're watching today? It's...
~ Harreh Pottah an' zee Deafly Hellos Part Uno
*cough* Sorry, it's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. Can't help but wanted to play on the names a bit PX Anyway, IT'S A GREAT SHOW! Good parts in the show:
1. Harry and Hermoine are NEEKID and making out.
2. Bellatrix on Hermoine... looks WRONG.
3. You-Know-Who is so close to the dead-headmaster as if he's trying to kiss him.
4. "William, don't look at me right now. I look ugly" ~ by Fluer, when (s)he's undressing the bra.
5. Ginny is asking Harry to zip the dress... and make out! 8D
6. "Ron, you don't have a wife" ~ by Harry when they're sneaking into the Ministry.
7. Hermoine's eyebrow actions... when Ron is talking.
8. "Dobby... is a free elf!" ~ by Dobby. Ah, I love that scene... and it was sad that Dobby died. I nearly cried. ;w;
9. "Luna? *nods* Luna." ~ by the Trio when they arrive at Lovegood odd "house".
10. And more parts, where I clapped my hands and laughed around. I guess only those that knows English READ GOOD can understand the jokes in the movie Owo
ROFLMAO! The whole show, aside from not-really-horrible-shocks, is HILARIOUS! XDDDDD I don't mind watching the whole thing again *loves* And I suuuure hope that the Part Two can come out sooooon. (I know it's next year, but it doesn't hurt to wish for a lil', right? PX)
Oh, did I mention that I saw Esth0r here? 8D With her- I mean, HIS boy- I mean, GAYfriend.
And so, we went to Popular... and trailing Esth0r (Grace aside, she appeared at the end... from NOWHERE Owo). We act like spies and tried to snap pics of her and the boyfriend. It's so hilarious that we crawled (Yes, CRAWL) about half the Popular to evade her XDDD Nic's glasses hit my head (or vice versa) and it's so painful! (I can still feel it right now owO) Yet, IT'S FUNNY!!! XDDDDDDDDDD (Btw, sorry Nikki for the glasses. .w.)
At the end, she noticed me (exact word: MY BUTT) and started to walk here. We tried to run away, but too slow. PX LOLOLOL, it's just so hilarious! XD Another great experience. Just wish that Mel's here with us too =3
After the... LOLful incident, we went for BR and eat ICE-CREAMS! 8D It's pink day anyway, so there's discounts *loves* The ice-creams are FABULOUS, but sadly, we didn't call the person to change our cones into choco-cones. ;w; The choco-cones are just.... UGGGHHHH~~~ *loves* Must try this again... next year.
We crap a lot there, once again, until seven when we decided to makan. And where to makan?
ZOMG, for the sake of just the steamboat... WE FIND PARKING LIKE... ARGH! Okay, it's my problem lar, I'm driving mah (They say the experience in my car is like a roller coaster, lololol) 8D Still bad in parking skills, lol. And so, after like, 10 minutes? 20 minutes? We finally parked the car, and went to makan steamboat.
Zoh-my-gosh. THERE'S CURRY FOR THE STEAMBOAT SOUP!!! 8DDDDDD Of course, we ordered that and along with the herbal one. The foods here are MARVELOUS, and so is the curry. The herbal one... meh. Okay okay lor.
We ordered drinks too: One carrot milk (DAMN. NICE), one lime-kinda-juice (NICE. TOO), and one HUMONGOUS apple juice (NICE. NICE.)
Suddenly, we realized one thing.
Sandwiches + Carrot milk + lime juice + apple juice + curry + ice-cream = STOMACH ACHE.
But who cares 8D
They're good foods, LOL! XDDD
And steamboat is NEVER been so fun before *loves*
It was the first time, and I guess there's going to be a second time... and MOAR. *lovesloves*
But it was also because of today my stomach turned ROUND.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Stuck...? Or chance?
Insert Song: High School of the Dead (High School of the Dead OP)
Currently, I'm staying over Yuki's place... and gosh, not to be rude but, this is another survival chance after I came out from that 3 months NS thingy. LOLOLOL. Well, it's not like this place is as bad as NS, but it lacks of pretty much things than a normal house should have... well, it's practically not her house anyway, since she's renting this apartment, so yeah... =w=
Still, I was thinking a lot about coming here... was it a good choice? Well, the main reason that I came here was because of a chance to perform as a drummer in Bentley Auditorium. Erm, it's not my solo, of course, I'm just helping out a group in their contest. It's about Buddha songs, but it's composing songs. It's kind of big, and I'm kind of nervous right now lol. I'd rather give up than having myself to be humiliated out there- wait. I haven't told you the whole thing right? Then I should tell you now...
Okay, so yesterday, I had a call from Yuki, saying that someone wanted a drummer, aside from a bassist of course. Initially, I kind of refused to the proposal, and request to have at least RM100 or else - since it's far away from my home and everything. Even driving there takes 30 mins +, you think I want jobs like that with low pays? No. But then, I have to consider: It's a chance to perform as a drummer, and with some pays. Another thing that piqued my interest was that it's the Ying Yuan Musical Fest (something like that), and I straight agreed.
However, I was disappointed.
I can understand that they have school and everything, but not booking a place before any practice when the time it's like... Two more days to the real thing? I'm not sure what's the guy's thinking. Was he serious in winning this? Or was he even wanted to do this? I'm not convinced by his actions. He had the talent... well, I guess, though he lack of knowledges in other instruments. (I still prefer Yamato in piano transposing... but that aside.) Anyway, you know what time we started the training? 9.30p.m., near to 10p.m. I was very pissed off at the first moment that I get the message that he hasn't prepared anything for the training yet, and worse, he's LATE. And worst, he wanted US to go and check the price of the jamming room for him.
No seriously. This is really stupid.
If he said he wanted to win this thing, I will never believe in him, and I shall quit. Oh well, luckily he had not that kind of thought, because I know it'll never be if he's acting like this. *rolls eyes* I really hate people with no preperations at all. Especially when you have a freaking CONTEST. *rolls eyes MORE* Oh well, I'd rather go back at that moment.
But then, more stuffs interested me as soon as I started playing this.
I can feel my joy of able to able to work alongside with another composer with minds alike. Though, I really hate his attitude of late and everything at first, but at least he wasn't bad in personalities.
*sigh* Still, I have to say that it's tiring to travel here and there... So, later, I'm going to go back by LRT, get my stuffs to prepare for another night, and then I need to come here again with car, and the real night, go back by car... I hope I'm not alone. Damn! I so wish to ditch them right now, but it's against my own principle, so no, I'm not going to do so.
Oh well, at least... Kou will be with me, right? Riiiight??? 0w0
Currently, I'm staying over Yuki's place... and gosh, not to be rude but, this is another survival chance after I came out from that 3 months NS thingy. LOLOLOL. Well, it's not like this place is as bad as NS, but it lacks of pretty much things than a normal house should have... well, it's practically not her house anyway, since she's renting this apartment, so yeah... =w=
Still, I was thinking a lot about coming here... was it a good choice? Well, the main reason that I came here was because of a chance to perform as a drummer in Bentley Auditorium. Erm, it's not my solo, of course, I'm just helping out a group in their contest. It's about Buddha songs, but it's composing songs. It's kind of big, and I'm kind of nervous right now lol. I'd rather give up than having myself to be humiliated out there- wait. I haven't told you the whole thing right? Then I should tell you now...
Okay, so yesterday, I had a call from Yuki, saying that someone wanted a drummer, aside from a bassist of course. Initially, I kind of refused to the proposal, and request to have at least RM100 or else - since it's far away from my home and everything. Even driving there takes 30 mins +, you think I want jobs like that with low pays? No. But then, I have to consider: It's a chance to perform as a drummer, and with some pays. Another thing that piqued my interest was that it's the Ying Yuan Musical Fest (something like that), and I straight agreed.
However, I was disappointed.
I can understand that they have school and everything, but not booking a place before any practice when the time it's like... Two more days to the real thing? I'm not sure what's the guy's thinking. Was he serious in winning this? Or was he even wanted to do this? I'm not convinced by his actions. He had the talent... well, I guess, though he lack of knowledges in other instruments. (I still prefer Yamato in piano transposing... but that aside.) Anyway, you know what time we started the training? 9.30p.m., near to 10p.m. I was very pissed off at the first moment that I get the message that he hasn't prepared anything for the training yet, and worse, he's LATE. And worst, he wanted US to go and check the price of the jamming room for him.
No seriously. This is really stupid.
If he said he wanted to win this thing, I will never believe in him, and I shall quit. Oh well, luckily he had not that kind of thought, because I know it'll never be if he's acting like this. *rolls eyes* I really hate people with no preperations at all. Especially when you have a freaking CONTEST. *rolls eyes MORE* Oh well, I'd rather go back at that moment.
But then, more stuffs interested me as soon as I started playing this.
I can feel my joy of able to able to work alongside with another composer with minds alike. Though, I really hate his attitude of late and everything at first, but at least he wasn't bad in personalities.
*sigh* Still, I have to say that it's tiring to travel here and there... So, later, I'm going to go back by LRT, get my stuffs to prepare for another night, and then I need to come here again with car, and the real night, go back by car... I hope I'm not alone. Damn! I so wish to ditch them right now, but it's against my own principle, so no, I'm not going to do so.
Oh well, at least... Kou will be with me, right? Riiiight??? 0w0
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Reading SparkLife...
Some conclusions I had about Twilight after reading those posts in SparkLife: Edward might not be a character that I can hate, but Bella sure is a one hell of a character that BUGS me =w=
What the fuck is with Stephanie, as Bella or not as Bella herself, making Bella such a shitty character. For a main character/protagonist, she sure fails. And... the grammars. Ugh! It sucked! =A=
You can never understood what she's implying. Take a look at the below...
Grammar Failure:
"Bella then stares at Edward's ocher eyes, and says she's trying to figure out what he is, exactly. Among her theories: he's a superhero. Of course, instead of just saying, "I couldn't decide if he was Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker," she says, "I had been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker." It should be noted that no one has ever used the word "vacillating" when talking to themselves. It sounds like an air-conditioning term, or something Mr. Burns would say."
WTF, vacillating??? OAo What kind of- ugh. I don't even feel like explaining =A=
Anyway, I love all those predictions that he had about Twilight XD It's like, it's going to be so true lololol~
Oh, and this is too funny to be ignored:
"The chapter begins with Bella meeting up with her non-vampire friends and heading to the beach for a party. There are too many kids here to keep track of, including a boy named Ben and some other guy who's not named Ben. Lauren, who I forgot about, is mean to Bella. Perhaps she's jealous. Or perhaps Lauren is Eric in disguise."
That thing is bold and italic, it's so funny that it might be true! XD
This is also a very good one:
"They talk for a bit. She describes his eyes as "ocher" on two separate occasions in this chapter. It's a strange word. I'm assuming author Stephenie Meyer ran out of other ways to say "dreamy, sexy gold." Or maybe she has thousands of ways to describe his eyes, but she's saving them for another book, entitled Edward's Eyes Thesaurus."
I can so see that coming OwO
I can salute Nicole for reading all those Twilight books and make one post of her own. That post was brilliant. Wondering who? See those who followed my blogs XD She's the girl with medium length black hairs and glasses... wait. There's not only one of that in my followers. 0A0 Whatever. =w=
What the fuck is with Stephanie, as Bella or not as Bella herself, making Bella such a shitty character. For a main character/protagonist, she sure fails. And... the grammars. Ugh! It sucked! =A=
You can never understood what she's implying. Take a look at the below...
Grammar Failure:
"Bella then stares at Edward's ocher eyes, and says she's trying to figure out what he is, exactly. Among her theories: he's a superhero. Of course, instead of just saying, "I couldn't decide if he was Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker," she says, "I had been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker." It should be noted that no one has ever used the word "vacillating" when talking to themselves. It sounds like an air-conditioning term, or something Mr. Burns would say."
WTF, vacillating??? OAo What kind of- ugh. I don't even feel like explaining =A=
Anyway, I love all those predictions that he had about Twilight XD It's like, it's going to be so true lololol~
Oh, and this is too funny to be ignored:
"The chapter begins with Bella meeting up with her non-vampire friends and heading to the beach for a party. There are too many kids here to keep track of, including a boy named Ben and some other guy who's not named Ben. Lauren, who I forgot about, is mean to Bella. Perhaps she's jealous. Or perhaps Lauren is Eric in disguise."
That thing is bold and italic, it's so funny that it might be true! XD
This is also a very good one:
"They talk for a bit. She describes his eyes as "ocher" on two separate occasions in this chapter. It's a strange word. I'm assuming author Stephenie Meyer ran out of other ways to say "dreamy, sexy gold." Or maybe she has thousands of ways to describe his eyes, but she's saving them for another book, entitled Edward's Eyes Thesaurus."
I can so see that coming OwO
I can salute Nicole for reading all those Twilight books and make one post of her own. That post was brilliant. Wondering who? See those who followed my blogs XD She's the girl with medium length black hairs and glasses... wait. There's not only one of that in my followers. 0A0 Whatever. =w=
Friday, July 16, 2010
Hokkaido Trip Day One
First thing to say before I'm gonna continue with my journey:
Okay, now... MY TRIP TO HOKKAIDO! Was it fun? Well, to me, it's just a so-so. It's not as fun as Tokyo (Or better, AKIHABARAGODDAMMITICAN'TGOFFFFFFFFF). That aside, I captured a lot of pics that... made my phone busted without any memory spaces left OAo y'know, this is the first time EVER I had this kind of problem lololol
Anyway, on to the journey!
First day, after one night of UNABLE to sleep in the plane, I woke up in Narita Airport, with a local Japan guide. But of course, he's not a full Japanese, and yes he can speak our language. It seemed that he's a Vietnamese who had fled into Taiwan and Hong Kong, and EVEN participated in a Hong Kong movie Owo An actor, though he pretty much didn't continue it and became... a guide. And a side-translator 8D
Okay, so my breakfast... sucks. =w= Yush. To be honest, it sucked, compared to the rest of the foods I ate in the rest of my journey. However, it's considered one of the best compared to Malaysia obviously 8D I didn't took a pic of it, sad .w.
And so, after eating our breakkie, we went for... another airplane. ;w; sad ish sad indeed. We need to change our planes, oh yes. Because Narita =\= Hokkaido although they're all in Japan.
Good point about the planes is, there's good musics and entertainments 8D
JAL (Japan AirLines) ROCKS!!! XDDD
And thanks to this, I'm able to strip off some of the good musics *evil smirk* I'mma gonna download them up...
As we land in Sapporo, we went for lunch immediately. Thankfully, this first lunch from the agency was quite nice. =3



SALMON!!! You saw it right? AND SCALLOP!!!


The back view of zee crab =3


Okay, now we're off to our first sight-seeing stop... KANONJI!!!
Down: Captured from the entrance.
Good grieve. They made such a HUUUUGE Kanon-sama Owo ZOMG... How much did they spend on that?!
The entrance 8D

The inner entrance to the inside. And mind you - the STEPS from the entrance to the inside is... a field wide. OAo I need to CLIMB those stupid steps zomg... It's tiring, yes.
The Buddha. =3 I had did this once when I'm inside the camp (owait, I haven't tell that yet, lololol.), and now's my second time!!! Weeee~
You must understand how many Kanon-sama there are... There's... so many. The floors explain most part of eet. ZOMG.
But first! Let's take a look at the HUMONGOUS hand of the GIGANTIC Kanon-sama! 8D
And now... the time haz come. For MULTIPLE KANON-SAMA!!!
After visiting Kanonji, we're off... for our hotel.
Because of the pics above (thanks to my shortness =w= ), I can NEVER know the name of the hotel Owo
Oh yes, the foods are niiiice *loves*
Note the lil' sashimi over there, and the chawanmushi, and the tofus (in this case, it should be tau-pok. Don't ask me what it is in English *looks to the side*)! xDDD
They're just mwah favorite!!!
And now, time to give out some photos of the hotel... Oh, I captured them in the next morning, so yeah 8D
Sad thing about the pictures were, though, ish that I can't take a pic of the Onsen they're having here =w= Why? Because I'm having period times during that day and can't go. FFFFFF-
Also, they prohibited people from taking pictures INSIDE the Onsen 8D

Outside the hotel, there's... flowers.
Japan's fastest river Owo Rumors said that the salmons will swim back in the opposite way up to the hills to produce eggs there... and then, the fishes will swim back to the water Owo
By the way, I found this river to be uberly beautiful that I couldn't help but upload it in maximum *loves*

Buffets! And good point ish: Japanese foods ensured *happy*
Okay, now... MY TRIP TO HOKKAIDO! Was it fun? Well, to me, it's just a so-so. It's not as fun as Tokyo (Or better, AKIHABARAGODDAMMITICAN'TGOFFFFFFFFF). That aside, I captured a lot of pics that... made my phone busted without any memory spaces left OAo y'know, this is the first time EVER I had this kind of problem lololol
Anyway, on to the journey!
First day, after one night of UNABLE to sleep in the plane, I woke up in Narita Airport, with a local Japan guide. But of course, he's not a full Japanese, and yes he can speak our language. It seemed that he's a Vietnamese who had fled into Taiwan and Hong Kong, and EVEN participated in a Hong Kong movie Owo An actor, though he pretty much didn't continue it and became... a guide. And a side-translator 8D
Okay, so my breakfast... sucks. =w= Yush. To be honest, it sucked, compared to the rest of the foods I ate in the rest of my journey. However, it's considered one of the best compared to Malaysia obviously 8D I didn't took a pic of it, sad .w.
And so, after eating our breakkie, we went for... another airplane. ;w; sad ish sad indeed. We need to change our planes, oh yes. Because Narita =\= Hokkaido although they're all in Japan.
Good point about the planes is, there's good musics and entertainments 8D
JAL (Japan AirLines) ROCKS!!! XDDD
And thanks to this, I'm able to strip off some of the good musics *evil smirk* I'mma gonna download them up...
As we land in Sapporo, we went for lunch immediately. Thankfully, this first lunch from the agency was quite nice. =3



SALMON!!! You saw it right? AND SCALLOP!!!


The back view of zee crab =3


Okay, now we're off to our first sight-seeing stop... KANONJI!!!
Welcome to Kanonji (Guan Yin Temple).
Down: Captured from the entrance.
Good grieve. They made such a HUUUUGE Kanon-sama Owo ZOMG... How much did they spend on that?!

The inner entrance to the inside. And mind you - the STEPS from the entrance to the inside is... a field wide. OAo I need to CLIMB those stupid steps zomg... It's tiring, yes.
The Buddha. =3 I had did this once when I'm inside the camp (owait, I haven't tell that yet, lololol.), and now's my second time!!! Weeee~
You must understand how many Kanon-sama there are... There's... so many. The floors explain most part of eet. ZOMG.
But first! Let's take a look at the HUMONGOUS hand of the GIGANTIC Kanon-sama! 8D
The view up here ish niiice =3
And now... the time haz come. For MULTIPLE KANON-SAMA!!!
Oh yes. There's SO MANY of them... Owo
After visiting Kanonji, we're off... for our hotel.
Because of the pics above (thanks to my shortness =w= ), I can NEVER know the name of the hotel Owo
Oh yes, the foods are niiiice *loves*
Note the lil' sashimi over there, and the chawanmushi, and the tofus (in this case, it should be tau-pok. Don't ask me what it is in English *looks to the side*)! xDDD
They're just mwah favorite!!!
And now, time to give out some photos of the hotel... Oh, I captured them in the next morning, so yeah 8D
Sad thing about the pictures were, though, ish that I can't take a pic of the Onsen they're having here =w= Why? Because I'm having period times during that day and can't go. FFFFFF-
Also, they prohibited people from taking pictures INSIDE the Onsen 8D
You know why. You Hentais. *EBILSMIRK*

Outside the hotel, there's... flowers.
Japan's fastest river Owo Rumors said that the salmons will swim back in the opposite way up to the hills to produce eggs there... and then, the fishes will swim back to the water Owo
By the way, I found this river to be uberly beautiful that I couldn't help but upload it in maximum *loves*
The room of the hotel. It's Japanese styled =3

Buffets! And good point ish: Japanese foods ensured *happy*
BEARS! 8D You will find a lot of these in Hokkaido. Seriously.
And so, that's the end of my first day. I shall update my second day tomorrow...
And so, that's the end of my first day. I shall update my second day tomorrow...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Of Kawat and Seragam...
NOTE: This comes BEFORE the whole rants. Obviously... Since it's an event before the time I wrote The Original... =w= And of course, this was initially written for those who forces/being-forced to wear tudung in the kawat competition. Sadly, it didn't work much, since most of them DO NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH. Owo
Seragam. What is seragam? Baju must be seragam, kawat must be seragam... But wearing tudung? I do understand about this for Islamics, but NON-ISLAMICS?! Okay. This is going tobe awkward. I am not a racist - NO. I'm never a racist. And I'm fully up for the whole "One Malaysia" thing. What is "One Malaysia"? It do means that everyone to be sepakat, right? The Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sabah, Sarawak... etc. This whole "One Malaysia" thing did not specify about "you must wear tudung/songkok/etc." right? Even in schools they don't force people to wear them. And even some Islams themselves do not wear tudung. So how can you force a NON-ISLAM to wear tudung? You cannot force a religion into one's mind, or body. And talk of the history, not even the great Nabi Muhammad forces the Jewish to be Islam, or wear tudung. So we shouldn't force, or be forced to do something such religious sensitive thing. If you're very heartfully willing to do it, go ahead! But if you're doing this out of force, fear, etc., please. RETHINK before you do any actions. What can you get when you're doing this out of your will? You will get no goodness, because it's out of your will. It is not funny when you tell the others "I've force people to wear tudung" or "I've been forced to wear tudung". Will they laugh? Maybe, for a while, before they will began to think. Is it a good thing to laugh? If they're the person being forced, will they like it? I'm not sure about the masochists, but if it's me, I really will be pissed off if someone forced me to do things like this. I mean, I will be angry already if I'm being forced by my family to do things that I did not wanted, what more if you're being forced to do something as this?
Please, rethink about it again before you continue this. Do not misunderstood the meaning of "seragam". And the real meaning behind "One Malaysia".
Seragam. What is seragam? Baju must be seragam, kawat must be seragam... But wearing tudung? I do understand about this for Islamics, but NON-ISLAMICS?! Okay. This is going tobe awkward. I am not a racist - NO. I'm never a racist. And I'm fully up for the whole "One Malaysia" thing. What is "One Malaysia"? It do means that everyone to be sepakat, right? The Malays, Chinese, Indians, Sabah, Sarawak... etc. This whole "One Malaysia" thing did not specify about "you must wear tudung/songkok/etc." right? Even in schools they don't force people to wear them. And even some Islams themselves do not wear tudung. So how can you force a NON-ISLAM to wear tudung? You cannot force a religion into one's mind, or body. And talk of the history, not even the great Nabi Muhammad forces the Jewish to be Islam, or wear tudung. So we shouldn't force, or be forced to do something such religious sensitive thing. If you're very heartfully willing to do it, go ahead! But if you're doing this out of force, fear, etc., please. RETHINK before you do any actions. What can you get when you're doing this out of your will? You will get no goodness, because it's out of your will. It is not funny when you tell the others "I've force people to wear tudung" or "I've been forced to wear tudung". Will they laugh? Maybe, for a while, before they will began to think. Is it a good thing to laugh? If they're the person being forced, will they like it? I'm not sure about the masochists, but if it's me, I really will be pissed off if someone forced me to do things like this. I mean, I will be angry already if I'm being forced by my family to do things that I did not wanted, what more if you're being forced to do something as this?
Please, rethink about it again before you continue this. Do not misunderstood the meaning of "seragam". And the real meaning behind "One Malaysia".
Days In Kem PLKN Princess Haliza - The Original
NOTE: I wrote this during my days in the camp. So... It's going to be heavily relied on my mood at that time. Beware of weird stuffs happened inside the rants XD
A lot had happened during my days in PLKN Kem Princess Haliza, in dorm Bravo 4. I can't help, but to say, it was the WORST dorm of all. Firstly, my assigned bed was just beside the door, and the bed opposite of mine (which was also beside the door) has no one assigned to. The first problem I need to deal with, is when the dormmates just wear their shoes INTO the dorm. Everyday, I need to deal with the sands and muds beside my bed. What's worse? None followed the duty rooster, and none actually cleans the dorm. The only time that the actually cleaned the dorm was when it's the first week, and during the semester break. Other than that? Not really. So, I'm always the one who grabs the crappy scissor-like broom and began to sweep the dirts out from my area. About everyday and after every 3 meals every time I got back to the dorm, I would sweep.
Okay, that's the first. Now second. My dorm mates are just SOOOOOOOO noisy that I can't handle them. I wasn't sure if it's the reason all Sabah Malays are like that (well, at least the ones I met so far are like that), but seriously, they really lack of respects. Blah! Their mouth always talked of "We must respect each other, like when we're praying you must be quiet" blahblahblah. Fine, we did that, like obviously we did that EVEN BEFORE they talked about it. But did they respect us back? Like, they love to useour stuffs without asking. Slippers, baldi, etc. etc. etc. And especially at the night- No. Whenever we wanted to sleep! Hell. They really are ignorant aren't they? I mean, it's obvious that we wanted to sleep, and yet they still talk like "This room is ours! I don't care if you're sleeping!" Fuuuuuuuck. Seriously. We don't even talk like they do whenever they're sleeping. But do they care or respect our times? I don't think so. Let's not talk of normal days, since they always did that and I don't bother to talk that much. The times when we're absolutely angry of are when the times that we're sick and we require rests. Do they respect the ones who's sick? No. They just talk into the midnight. Not until 12a.m. they won't stop. Even when the teachers said 11.30p.m. is the latest you can open the lights. Blah! And what they did the most? They talk so loudly just beside people's bed- no. Right ON the sleeping person's bed. Stupid. No respect at all. Not even when their own races - Malays - asked them to be quiet. They just won't comply to it! And still continue on their chattering LOUDLY. This leads to the question "How come Bravo is always late". When the sleeping ones can't sleep, and the restless ones don't sleep until the midnight, how they're able to get up the next day? Worse of all! They always emphasize that they can do everything if they wake up at 6a.m. NO! I'm telling you NO. Seriously. Don't they ever think that that's the reason we're the last every time? NO. Fick dich. We opened meeting, and we said that we should wake up earlier. Heck, they said "Tidak. Kami masih boleh siap kalau kita bangun 6 pagi. Betul? XXX? Ya! Ya! Betul!" OMG. I can totally understood why Bravo wirawati lost every single thing. With that attitude continuing? Nuh-uh. We will not win a single thing. Because when the head slacks, how can you make the underlings advances? Seriously, we lack of a great leader. In Bravo.
Next, speaking of leaders... Seriously. The IC of Bravo SUCKS. The female IC, always give the wrong command. Everyone else (other companies) were "Ke dalam lurus (Straight inward? I guess so... Not sure of the commands in English)", she's the only one who'll give "Ke KANAN lurus (Straight to the right)". See how stupid it is? Even our timbalan (vice) followed her, because we need to look up to the superior (she said). But this kind of superior? SHE SUCKS. And we followed the stupid command for TWO WHOLE MONTHS, everyday every time we had roll calls. And she always take care of her friends. Wasn't that a good thing? Nuh-uh. I mean, HER friends, not US. She just let her friends do whatever they wanted. And herself? Is just as bad. She's one of those who's noisy when we're sleeping. Singing in the toilet is okay but singing while we're sleeping? NOT.
And I need to retake the problem up again. Freaking IDIOTS. If I'm not mistaken, it's 30th May. The day when it's B4's turn to have midnight patrol. It's Sunday, when we get our phones to be returned back to the camp. It's already bad when that happened, and worse coming right up. My Chinese dorm mates, Stella and Ying, were supposed to tugas (shift) that day. Ying already told our IC from week and days before. But then, during the night of the tugas, Ying told the IC again, and a surprised answer came to her. "Ngapa nak tugas? Tak payah tugaslah." WTF? Seriously, an IC speaks like that?! Now that's even weirder. Ying's flame already rose up, since she had a sudden "rejection" in this case. Fine. So back to dorms, we just plan to sleep through the night. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible. Suddenly, my IC told Ying to tugas alone, because they lack of one person. How can this be possible? Because, one of her friend wanted to tugas that day, and switched with JJ. But JJ, S, and VV are together, and they don't want to be separated. So if one's removed, the other two quits as well. This is how it happened. Uhuh. Stupid right? That's why, Ying, who's supposed to be with Stella, frustrated and raging with flames, yelled at them. "I've already told you from the start that I want to tugas with Stella! Once, twice! But did you listen? Did you remember?" and for that, she stormed out to the toilet. Z asked her what happened. During that moment, she was still able to talk cooly with her, but then our IC stormed in too, and bang the toilet door, yelling and scolding. This was when Ying finally burst off, and yelled and scolded back. When one's flame risen, their strength is rather different, right? So, when she came back in, she slightly slammed her shoes to the rack (not sure if she realized that, from what I've seen), and banged her locker. The hypocrite saw that, and oddly, still do not know how she should react when a person's angry, just blast off her words. "Ah ah ah! Locker pecah lagi!" Idiotic. After the tugas people exit (They successfully dragged S into the mess), and lights were off, Ying went to complain with our dorm leader - Ayu. She took the past cases out and began to throw upon Ayu, and eventually cried. That was the first time I saw her crying so desperately in camp. We gathered around and talked, until when the idiots came back in (not all are idiots though, 'cause some were like no choice and to join them 'cause no one wanted, like S). They saw us, and we did not stop. I thought it's over when they exit, and we slept. But NOOOO. I am SOOOOO wrong. The freaking bastards, gathered all 9 patrol members, sat just beside the door, MY BED, and began to talk so loudly. I can't really hear them saying, but I knew it's about when we gathered and talk. Now, this is seriously an unrespectful event. CAN'T YOU IDIOTS SEE WE'RE SLEEPING?!?!?! And for goodness sake, I "shh"ed at them. Yet they continued! FUUUUUUUCK. OI IDIOTS! GET OUT AND TALK! I don't care or mind if you're talking behind our asses, BUT IN THE MIDNIGHT?! Hell, you're SICK. And I don't think it's the IC's idea. I think it's the one who had the worst reputation amongst the girls and guys. The faker. The hypocrite who calls the others a hypocrite. The most inconsiderate fool who added oil to one's flame. I hope you can guess who.
And so, we opened a meeting. God. That hypocrite actually speaks like she's very correct in every aspects. Using her cunningness to defeat and block off the other's words. Hell, thanks to her, I don't even feel like speaking, although I still have a lot, TOO MUCH, to say. Blah! I guess after Zyma left, my days are like hells. At least if she's still around the camp, I get to tell her to tell the foolish idiots how stupid and ignorant they are.
One thing I did not really feel satisfied during the meeting is when we talked about the whole family thing. Bravo had a serious case before - we lost our flag. Our Bravo Flag. We were lectured by Cikgu Shah I by this and everyone wrote a 500 sentences of "Saya akan jaga bendera Bravo dan menjadikan Bravo satu keluarga". But HECK. I shouldn't HELP those idiots to write. Because they don't worth it. Because they do not get the message of it 'cause they didn't really write 500 sentences! Hell, they have people to help them to write, and I guess that's why we ruined the whole Bravo thing. Blergh, it's just suck. Anyway, to the point. They said one family, right? Last time, we had another meeting with the whole Bravo, wira and wirawati, and Leong said something wrong in front of the Wira. Fine. We had our own lil' meting in B4, telling tha we should't say that (by the hypocrite). AHeck, if you didn't do that, why we would say such things? Anyway, that wasn't the main problem. The hypocrite said (Hell, why she's always the one who said these foolish stuffs?) "We are one family. We shouldn't tell the others what happened in B4". So... Her meaning is B4 = One family, the rest of Brave =/= family? Greeeaaat. And so the whole B3 and B4 things happened, and which is what I told them in the latest meeting. I do think my choices of words and to begin the whole thing is wrong. Fine. I admit and I will change. But still, am not satisfied with the reactions they gave to me. When I said B3 said B4 pentingkan orang sendiri, they said B3 were the ones who did not join them. Fine. But do they realize why they don't want to join them?? Because they do not like the B4's attitudes and how they treat the B3. They were being looked down by the fools. But no, they don't realize what happened. This, and the "seragam" thing. We had Pertandingan Kawat, and they actually want all those who kawat to wear tudung. Oh. My. God. Firstly, not everyone was willing to wear tudung. Secondly, they should not force one to wear tudung. Hell the whole "family concept". Hell the whole "Satu Malaysia" concept. Yeah right, Satu Malaysia, One Family, by changing us into their own kinds. God, this is just so stupid. How can you achieve Satu Malaysia when there's no variates in the group? The whole concept of Satu Malaysia was everyone to accept each other, not by turning us all into one kind. This is why the whole "perpaduan" thing will never be realized. Because of forces. Heck, I salute to the Delta, because they don't force people to wear tudung, and became Champion. Love it. Seriously. and proud of it. Even if I'm not Delta, instead, a Bravo.
Speaking of Delta, Delta's like, the best company. I love Delta, I support Delta, because the people made me happy during the days in PLKN are all from Delta. No, not even the people from B3 or the Chineses in Bravo made me happy. It was the Delta. People I met, like Mel (not Melissa, it's Melanie, an Iban from Sarawak) and Venite/Syn Yee (Pure Chinese, from Sabah). They're both great Shoujo artists, and Otakus! Oh man, it's just so HARD to find these kind of people IN THE CAMP. Seriously. I love being with them. Why I'm not a Delta? Even though it's green but it's much better than freaking BLUE. Stuuuuupid. And I known them too late. We just only have less than 10 days to talk with each other, before we part separate ways. Ahhh... Sooooo sad. What's worse? They're one sea away from Semenanjung... Sad...
Ahhh... I'm sick of telling the tales of the Bravo. Now let's talk about foods. SERIOUSLY. Vegeterian foods are FAR FAR FAR WAAAAAY better than the normal people's foods. Perhaps it's because it's only for a few people? Not sure. But yeah, it's better. Though... Compare to the REAL vege, they pretty much SUCKED. LOL x3
The time currently is 5th June, I'm in the Ward of Medic. No I'm not slacking. My foot got hurt when we had the DKRTG (quite a violent game, but full with meanings... though not pretty much of uses in real life), and I don't want to make it worse. And so, I began to write this. And after knowing the two girl/artists, I began to expand my styles, beginning in the hair. Lawl, my tomboys became somewhat kiddish XD It looked quite odd, but cute at the same time Owo I drew a lot during the boring days, and yeah, I really upgraded myself in drawing the hairs. =3 Much joys. Weeeeee~
They said about "How nice and how great" is Princess Haliza. Blah! In this batch, NOOOOOO. Firstly, shooting. Heck, the Tapak Menembak had closed down. We couldn't get to shoot the real bullets. All we had are blanks. That really sucked! 'cause you don't know your accuracy! Argh! Although I do enjoy how the M-16 felt like. Sad thing is that it's blank. Then, Flying Fox. I don't know, I just don't seemed to get the enjoyment of this. Haiz. The rest? Oh no. I hate the rest, and of course, I did not join them. Kayak, Wirajaya, etc... anything about forest and water, count me out. Seriously.
Another thing I hated in this batch, is how disrespectful are the Wiras. And to my annoyance, they love to knock on the metal pagar of the Wirawatis. Worse? They just won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. Like seriously. Everytime in the dewan especially. They're like lil' kiddos, who just screamed and shouted at the sightliest fun they will had, repeating nonstop that brought to a louder chaos. Hectic, it is.
And 3th June, at night, Gamabak (Whatever her name is) from B3, suddenly "appeared" in our dorm. Before that, I was brushing my teeth. It's just so sudden, when our IC and her friend rushed out from the toilet, and BB came in said :don't care about them". It was then I heard ruckus, and locker banging. Not closing, but HITTING. Good grieve... It's already the last week. Can't things just be anymore "peaceful"?? Seriously, those fools really didn't consider about their own faults. Gambak told them how the B3 disliked them, and I do think that she herself is a betrayer. Because, all people in B3 treat her very well, since she had some problems herself. Mana tau, she went over into B4 and tell the bad stuffs about B3. I can understood how enraged they are. Oh well... What's worse? Right now- no. Just now (4th June), some people in B3 told bad things about B4 to the Delta wiras. Stupid. The aggressive lil' kid in our dorm just rushed out, about to take the belt out but fortunately stopped by one of her friends, since they said if we cause more troubles today, they will only give the phones when we go back. Blah, these peple really don't think of the future, and of course, the other "innocent" people. Selfish, they are. Oh well, not that I can change them. But still, I'm so sad that they don't think of the consequences. Haiz...
AAAND currently (2342, 4th June), I can't sleep. Even though I'm SOOOO much of tireness invasion. But NOOOO. I can't sleep at all. Why? Because they're going to have a goddamn freaking useless and meaningless AND worst meeting at 0000. Yes. Twelve in the midnight. When people had already long ASLEEP. However, that's usually my sleeping time... or worse, in PLKN Kem Princess Haliza Dorm Bravo 4. Why? Thanks to those disrespectful idiots and so much of FOOLS, who're restless and can just open the light until 1230+++ and NEVER sleeps, or even seemed to end. Things just going on and on and on. Like an ENDLESS NIGHT. Horrible, it is. I've been through this restless hell for two whole months. And even the last week they still don't let the sleepy and tires go rest in peace, let the energiless to charge their batteries NO. And NEVER. NEVER EVER THEY DID SO. AND I DO MEAN BY NEVER. FUUUUUCK. And so, I'm here to wait... Very patiently,At WHEN those fools realize that they will never get the attention (in sense of "good" of course) from the teachers. I'm not even sure if the meeting will be on. Bah! Fools do think different from normal people. Because fools can't change the way they are, were, whateverm and the way they think. Not even the Malays of course. I do mean of some Chinese, some in my dorm, some from the other companies. And SEE! They wasted our time of great sleep treasure in such a minial case known as... meeting. *rolls eyes* Idiotic indeed. I just haven't include the foul words of Chineses. They'll be even WORSE. They should be grateful that I'm, not as angry to use these low-classed words yet... though I did speak when I mentioned about their foolish actions by verbal. Heck, I can't help, they're just so STUPID. Even when people told me not to say so, but I still have the urge to speak of what I wanted to say for TWO WHOLE MONTHS. Perhaps I should tell them before the whole thing end. But... who knows? And what become of them is none of my concern anyway, why should I interfere? should just be a very typical otaku who lived in her own world. Yeah, that should make it. Uh-ahm~
Right now, 2241 5th June 2010, is my best time and moment in the camp. ^w^ I got 3 free coleslaws donated by the B3 people, who had a KFC party here. It's not really THAT fun, but being with D-Za? Yeah, it's really great~ \(^w^)/ Love eet~ Thank you B3 for letting me taking refugee in this great dorm. Oh, haven't tell you how I got here eh? Okay, everything started when the B4 took out a radio/speaker/whatever from NOWHERE, and blast out the whole dorm with LOUD and SUCKY music, AND began to DANCE. Damn. How loud can they be? Hell, I could even hear their voices from B3 Owo See how loud it is? OMG... So. That time, 6p.m., I dragged my tire body into B3, and collapsed on Sheeril's bed. Oh, thank her for leaving the camp and letting me sleep here XD And from that moment on, I decided to sleep in B3 for the rest of the remaining days in PLKN Kem Princess Haliza =3
6th June, one of the most satisfying days, I guess? We ate so much (with my family) and joked a lot. Was surprised that my nephew, Ivan (not Iven Wong, thank you. It's Ivan Chiang X3) knew how to toddle! Wow. I feel very proud of him to be honest, and shocked at how long that I'm away from home, and how fast could a baby grow. I'm utmost relieved that they stopped the "gun-shooting" thing to please the kid. I'm so afraid that he will grow up as a violent kiddo which might make me break and punch him on the face. Yeah, hopes. And mostly hopes turned VERY bad... Haiz...
But then, we plan to sleep in B3 for the rest of the days FAILED, when the B4 people decided to lock the doors to prevent any more midnight patrol people to come in and check the dorms. I wonder why? It's just such a foolish action. Haiz. That is what you should be expecting when you're with these idiots. Oh well... Luckily that day, I'm able to sleep. Thanks to tireness, perhaps? Not sure. But when the midnight patrols came to check, the idiots went to sleep quickly, and told each and every of us not to make any noises. Uhuh... Odd, it is.
Anyway, before the B3 sleeping incident, I've used to sleep in D7, and it felt great ^w^ I mean, sleeping with the Delta just seemed to be better. Although they do make noises in the night, but it's an entirely different experience. I mean, at least they don't whisper like hellish mosquitoes, or yelling loudly like a freaking madman in my dorm =w= And from that, I must conclude that B4 is really the WORST dorm of all. From every other dorm I visited, this was the WORST. Haaaiiizzz...
Then, the Malam Penutup. I'm skipping the details in the morning, and only focus at night. I wore the Baju Kemeja that I wore before during the school's prom night along with the tie, which I asked my mom to brought them to me. I slicked my side hairs back, and surprisingly it looked a lot better than my normal looks Owo And more surprisingly... They said that I'm handsome OAO Seriously. They said that. And my GOD not only the Malays, but also the Chineses... Great. What on earth? I don't think I look that good... though it's better than my normal looks... But handsome?! That's a new word =w=
The night was great - the foods, I mean. They've seriously improved in the cooking. YAY! But the performances? Nuh-uh. They SUCKED LIKE HELL. Even SMKTC performances were waaaay better than them. BUT! Only the singings. Dancings? Hell, the Chineses are really good... But the others? Nuh-uh. =w= I mean, they danced Sorry Sorry WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL!!! AND DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT SUCKED?!?!?! Hell, I was dancing the original, and people saluted me! Do you know how much it sucked until the normal people actually saluted ME, an individual who CAN'T dance?! That's the answer you get. The Genie, danced by Chinese and 2 talented Malay guys, is FAR MORE BETTER than the stupid group of females who's so messy in their choreography. I just HATE that performance, more than everything else. BLARAGH! It sucked. I mean, at least Genie followed most of the real MV dances, and though some parts are of their own creation, they still looked GREAT. But the Sorry2?! NOOOOOOOO~ For goddess sake, please don't get up the stage if you're not prepared. SERIOUSLY.
And that's my rants so far in the camp. I will give a revised and detailed report of the days in the camp later... Brain juices dried out. Aries, signed out.
A lot had happened during my days in PLKN Kem Princess Haliza, in dorm Bravo 4. I can't help, but to say, it was the WORST dorm of all. Firstly, my assigned bed was just beside the door, and the bed opposite of mine (which was also beside the door) has no one assigned to. The first problem I need to deal with, is when the dormmates just wear their shoes INTO the dorm. Everyday, I need to deal with the sands and muds beside my bed. What's worse? None followed the duty rooster, and none actually cleans the dorm. The only time that the actually cleaned the dorm was when it's the first week, and during the semester break. Other than that? Not really. So, I'm always the one who grabs the crappy scissor-like broom and began to sweep the dirts out from my area. About everyday and after every 3 meals every time I got back to the dorm, I would sweep.
Okay, that's the first. Now second. My dorm mates are just SOOOOOOOO noisy that I can't handle them. I wasn't sure if it's the reason all Sabah Malays are like that (well, at least the ones I met so far are like that), but seriously, they really lack of respects. Blah! Their mouth always talked of "We must respect each other, like when we're praying you must be quiet" blahblahblah. Fine, we did that, like obviously we did that EVEN BEFORE they talked about it. But did they respect us back? Like, they love to useour stuffs without asking. Slippers, baldi, etc. etc. etc. And especially at the night- No. Whenever we wanted to sleep! Hell. They really are ignorant aren't they? I mean, it's obvious that we wanted to sleep, and yet they still talk like "This room is ours! I don't care if you're sleeping!" Fuuuuuuuck. Seriously. We don't even talk like they do whenever they're sleeping. But do they care or respect our times? I don't think so. Let's not talk of normal days, since they always did that and I don't bother to talk that much. The times when we're absolutely angry of are when the times that we're sick and we require rests. Do they respect the ones who's sick? No. They just talk into the midnight. Not until 12a.m. they won't stop. Even when the teachers said 11.30p.m. is the latest you can open the lights. Blah! And what they did the most? They talk so loudly just beside people's bed- no. Right ON the sleeping person's bed. Stupid. No respect at all. Not even when their own races - Malays - asked them to be quiet. They just won't comply to it! And still continue on their chattering LOUDLY. This leads to the question "How come Bravo is always late". When the sleeping ones can't sleep, and the restless ones don't sleep until the midnight, how they're able to get up the next day? Worse of all! They always emphasize that they can do everything if they wake up at 6a.m. NO! I'm telling you NO. Seriously. Don't they ever think that that's the reason we're the last every time? NO. Fick dich. We opened meeting, and we said that we should wake up earlier. Heck, they said "Tidak. Kami masih boleh siap kalau kita bangun 6 pagi. Betul? XXX? Ya! Ya! Betul!" OMG. I can totally understood why Bravo wirawati lost every single thing. With that attitude continuing? Nuh-uh. We will not win a single thing. Because when the head slacks, how can you make the underlings advances? Seriously, we lack of a great leader. In Bravo.
Next, speaking of leaders... Seriously. The IC of Bravo SUCKS. The female IC, always give the wrong command. Everyone else (other companies) were "Ke dalam lurus (Straight inward? I guess so... Not sure of the commands in English)", she's the only one who'll give "Ke KANAN lurus (Straight to the right)". See how stupid it is? Even our timbalan (vice) followed her, because we need to look up to the superior (she said). But this kind of superior? SHE SUCKS. And we followed the stupid command for TWO WHOLE MONTHS, everyday every time we had roll calls. And she always take care of her friends. Wasn't that a good thing? Nuh-uh. I mean, HER friends, not US. She just let her friends do whatever they wanted. And herself? Is just as bad. She's one of those who's noisy when we're sleeping. Singing in the toilet is okay but singing while we're sleeping? NOT.
And I need to retake the problem up again. Freaking IDIOTS. If I'm not mistaken, it's 30th May. The day when it's B4's turn to have midnight patrol. It's Sunday, when we get our phones to be returned back to the camp. It's already bad when that happened, and worse coming right up. My Chinese dorm mates, Stella and Ying, were supposed to tugas (shift) that day. Ying already told our IC from week and days before. But then, during the night of the tugas, Ying told the IC again, and a surprised answer came to her. "Ngapa nak tugas? Tak payah tugaslah." WTF? Seriously, an IC speaks like that?! Now that's even weirder. Ying's flame already rose up, since she had a sudden "rejection" in this case. Fine. So back to dorms, we just plan to sleep through the night. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible. Suddenly, my IC told Ying to tugas alone, because they lack of one person. How can this be possible? Because, one of her friend wanted to tugas that day, and switched with JJ. But JJ, S, and VV are together, and they don't want to be separated. So if one's removed, the other two quits as well. This is how it happened. Uhuh. Stupid right? That's why, Ying, who's supposed to be with Stella, frustrated and raging with flames, yelled at them. "I've already told you from the start that I want to tugas with Stella! Once, twice! But did you listen? Did you remember?" and for that, she stormed out to the toilet. Z asked her what happened. During that moment, she was still able to talk cooly with her, but then our IC stormed in too, and bang the toilet door, yelling and scolding. This was when Ying finally burst off, and yelled and scolded back. When one's flame risen, their strength is rather different, right? So, when she came back in, she slightly slammed her shoes to the rack (not sure if she realized that, from what I've seen), and banged her locker. The hypocrite saw that, and oddly, still do not know how she should react when a person's angry, just blast off her words. "Ah ah ah! Locker pecah lagi!" Idiotic. After the tugas people exit (They successfully dragged S into the mess), and lights were off, Ying went to complain with our dorm leader - Ayu. She took the past cases out and began to throw upon Ayu, and eventually cried. That was the first time I saw her crying so desperately in camp. We gathered around and talked, until when the idiots came back in (not all are idiots though, 'cause some were like no choice and to join them 'cause no one wanted, like S). They saw us, and we did not stop. I thought it's over when they exit, and we slept. But NOOOO. I am SOOOOO wrong. The freaking bastards, gathered all 9 patrol members, sat just beside the door, MY BED, and began to talk so loudly. I can't really hear them saying, but I knew it's about when we gathered and talk. Now, this is seriously an unrespectful event. CAN'T YOU IDIOTS SEE WE'RE SLEEPING?!?!?! And for goodness sake, I "shh"ed at them. Yet they continued! FUUUUUUUCK. OI IDIOTS! GET OUT AND TALK! I don't care or mind if you're talking behind our asses, BUT IN THE MIDNIGHT?! Hell, you're SICK. And I don't think it's the IC's idea. I think it's the one who had the worst reputation amongst the girls and guys. The faker. The hypocrite who calls the others a hypocrite. The most inconsiderate fool who added oil to one's flame. I hope you can guess who.
And so, we opened a meeting. God. That hypocrite actually speaks like she's very correct in every aspects. Using her cunningness to defeat and block off the other's words. Hell, thanks to her, I don't even feel like speaking, although I still have a lot, TOO MUCH, to say. Blah! I guess after Zyma left, my days are like hells. At least if she's still around the camp, I get to tell her to tell the foolish idiots how stupid and ignorant they are.
One thing I did not really feel satisfied during the meeting is when we talked about the whole family thing. Bravo had a serious case before - we lost our flag. Our Bravo Flag. We were lectured by Cikgu Shah I by this and everyone wrote a 500 sentences of "Saya akan jaga bendera Bravo dan menjadikan Bravo satu keluarga". But HECK. I shouldn't HELP those idiots to write. Because they don't worth it. Because they do not get the message of it 'cause they didn't really write 500 sentences! Hell, they have people to help them to write, and I guess that's why we ruined the whole Bravo thing. Blergh, it's just suck. Anyway, to the point. They said one family, right? Last time, we had another meeting with the whole Bravo, wira and wirawati, and Leong said something wrong in front of the Wira. Fine. We had our own lil' meting in B4, telling tha we should't say that (by the hypocrite). AHeck, if you didn't do that, why we would say such things? Anyway, that wasn't the main problem. The hypocrite said (Hell, why she's always the one who said these foolish stuffs?) "We are one family. We shouldn't tell the others what happened in B4". So... Her meaning is B4 = One family, the rest of Brave =/= family? Greeeaaat. And so the whole B3 and B4 things happened, and which is what I told them in the latest meeting. I do think my choices of words and to begin the whole thing is wrong. Fine. I admit and I will change. But still, am not satisfied with the reactions they gave to me. When I said B3 said B4 pentingkan orang sendiri, they said B3 were the ones who did not join them. Fine. But do they realize why they don't want to join them?? Because they do not like the B4's attitudes and how they treat the B3. They were being looked down by the fools. But no, they don't realize what happened. This, and the "seragam" thing. We had Pertandingan Kawat, and they actually want all those who kawat to wear tudung. Oh. My. God. Firstly, not everyone was willing to wear tudung. Secondly, they should not force one to wear tudung. Hell the whole "family concept". Hell the whole "Satu Malaysia" concept. Yeah right, Satu Malaysia, One Family, by changing us into their own kinds. God, this is just so stupid. How can you achieve Satu Malaysia when there's no variates in the group? The whole concept of Satu Malaysia was everyone to accept each other, not by turning us all into one kind. This is why the whole "perpaduan" thing will never be realized. Because of forces. Heck, I salute to the Delta, because they don't force people to wear tudung, and became Champion. Love it. Seriously. and proud of it. Even if I'm not Delta, instead, a Bravo.
Speaking of Delta, Delta's like, the best company. I love Delta, I support Delta, because the people made me happy during the days in PLKN are all from Delta. No, not even the people from B3 or the Chineses in Bravo made me happy. It was the Delta. People I met, like Mel (not Melissa, it's Melanie, an Iban from Sarawak) and Venite/Syn Yee (Pure Chinese, from Sabah). They're both great Shoujo artists, and Otakus! Oh man, it's just so HARD to find these kind of people IN THE CAMP. Seriously. I love being with them. Why I'm not a Delta? Even though it's green but it's much better than freaking BLUE. Stuuuuupid. And I known them too late. We just only have less than 10 days to talk with each other, before we part separate ways. Ahhh... Sooooo sad. What's worse? They're one sea away from Semenanjung... Sad...
Ahhh... I'm sick of telling the tales of the Bravo. Now let's talk about foods. SERIOUSLY. Vegeterian foods are FAR FAR FAR WAAAAAY better than the normal people's foods. Perhaps it's because it's only for a few people? Not sure. But yeah, it's better. Though... Compare to the REAL vege, they pretty much SUCKED. LOL x3
The time currently is 5th June, I'm in the Ward of Medic. No I'm not slacking. My foot got hurt when we had the DKRTG (quite a violent game, but full with meanings... though not pretty much of uses in real life), and I don't want to make it worse. And so, I began to write this. And after knowing the two girl/artists, I began to expand my styles, beginning in the hair. Lawl, my tomboys became somewhat kiddish XD It looked quite odd, but cute at the same time Owo I drew a lot during the boring days, and yeah, I really upgraded myself in drawing the hairs. =3 Much joys. Weeeeee~
They said about "How nice and how great" is Princess Haliza. Blah! In this batch, NOOOOOO. Firstly, shooting. Heck, the Tapak Menembak had closed down. We couldn't get to shoot the real bullets. All we had are blanks. That really sucked! 'cause you don't know your accuracy! Argh! Although I do enjoy how the M-16 felt like. Sad thing is that it's blank. Then, Flying Fox. I don't know, I just don't seemed to get the enjoyment of this. Haiz. The rest? Oh no. I hate the rest, and of course, I did not join them. Kayak, Wirajaya, etc... anything about forest and water, count me out. Seriously.
Another thing I hated in this batch, is how disrespectful are the Wiras. And to my annoyance, they love to knock on the metal pagar of the Wirawatis. Worse? They just won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. Like seriously. Everytime in the dewan especially. They're like lil' kiddos, who just screamed and shouted at the sightliest fun they will had, repeating nonstop that brought to a louder chaos. Hectic, it is.
And 3th June, at night, Gamabak (Whatever her name is) from B3, suddenly "appeared" in our dorm. Before that, I was brushing my teeth. It's just so sudden, when our IC and her friend rushed out from the toilet, and BB came in said :don't care about them". It was then I heard ruckus, and locker banging. Not closing, but HITTING. Good grieve... It's already the last week. Can't things just be anymore "peaceful"?? Seriously, those fools really didn't consider about their own faults. Gambak told them how the B3 disliked them, and I do think that she herself is a betrayer. Because, all people in B3 treat her very well, since she had some problems herself. Mana tau, she went over into B4 and tell the bad stuffs about B3. I can understood how enraged they are. Oh well... What's worse? Right now- no. Just now (4th June), some people in B3 told bad things about B4 to the Delta wiras. Stupid. The aggressive lil' kid in our dorm just rushed out, about to take the belt out but fortunately stopped by one of her friends, since they said if we cause more troubles today, they will only give the phones when we go back. Blah, these peple really don't think of the future, and of course, the other "innocent" people. Selfish, they are. Oh well, not that I can change them. But still, I'm so sad that they don't think of the consequences. Haiz...
AAAND currently (2342, 4th June), I can't sleep. Even though I'm SOOOO much of tireness invasion. But NOOOO. I can't sleep at all. Why? Because they're going to have a goddamn freaking useless and meaningless AND worst meeting at 0000. Yes. Twelve in the midnight. When people had already long ASLEEP. However, that's usually my sleeping time... or worse, in PLKN Kem Princess Haliza Dorm Bravo 4. Why? Thanks to those disrespectful idiots and so much of FOOLS, who're restless and can just open the light until 1230+++ and NEVER sleeps, or even seemed to end. Things just going on and on and on. Like an ENDLESS NIGHT. Horrible, it is. I've been through this restless hell for two whole months. And even the last week they still don't let the sleepy and tires go rest in peace, let the energiless to charge their batteries NO. And NEVER. NEVER EVER THEY DID SO. AND I DO MEAN BY NEVER. FUUUUUCK. And so, I'm here to wait... Very patiently,At WHEN those fools realize that they will never get the attention (in sense of "good" of course) from the teachers. I'm not even sure if the meeting will be on. Bah! Fools do think different from normal people. Because fools can't change the way they are, were, whateverm and the way they think. Not even the Malays of course. I do mean of some Chinese, some in my dorm, some from the other companies. And SEE! They wasted our time of great sleep treasure in such a minial case known as... meeting. *rolls eyes* Idiotic indeed. I just haven't include the foul words of Chineses. They'll be even WORSE. They should be grateful that I'm, not as angry to use these low-classed words yet... though I did speak when I mentioned about their foolish actions by verbal. Heck, I can't help, they're just so STUPID. Even when people told me not to say so, but I still have the urge to speak of what I wanted to say for TWO WHOLE MONTHS. Perhaps I should tell them before the whole thing end. But... who knows? And what become of them is none of my concern anyway, why should I interfere? should just be a very typical otaku who lived in her own world. Yeah, that should make it. Uh-ahm~
Right now, 2241 5th June 2010, is my best time and moment in the camp. ^w^ I got 3 free coleslaws donated by the B3 people, who had a KFC party here. It's not really THAT fun, but being with D-Za? Yeah, it's really great~ \(^w^)/ Love eet~ Thank you B3 for letting me taking refugee in this great dorm. Oh, haven't tell you how I got here eh? Okay, everything started when the B4 took out a radio/speaker/whatever from NOWHERE, and blast out the whole dorm with LOUD and SUCKY music, AND began to DANCE. Damn. How loud can they be? Hell, I could even hear their voices from B3 Owo See how loud it is? OMG... So. That time, 6p.m., I dragged my tire body into B3, and collapsed on Sheeril's bed. Oh, thank her for leaving the camp and letting me sleep here XD And from that moment on, I decided to sleep in B3 for the rest of the remaining days in PLKN Kem Princess Haliza =3
6th June, one of the most satisfying days, I guess? We ate so much (with my family) and joked a lot. Was surprised that my nephew, Ivan (not Iven Wong, thank you. It's Ivan Chiang X3) knew how to toddle! Wow. I feel very proud of him to be honest, and shocked at how long that I'm away from home, and how fast could a baby grow. I'm utmost relieved that they stopped the "gun-shooting" thing to please the kid. I'm so afraid that he will grow up as a violent kiddo which might make me break and punch him on the face. Yeah, hopes. And mostly hopes turned VERY bad... Haiz...
But then, we plan to sleep in B3 for the rest of the days FAILED, when the B4 people decided to lock the doors to prevent any more midnight patrol people to come in and check the dorms. I wonder why? It's just such a foolish action. Haiz. That is what you should be expecting when you're with these idiots. Oh well... Luckily that day, I'm able to sleep. Thanks to tireness, perhaps? Not sure. But when the midnight patrols came to check, the idiots went to sleep quickly, and told each and every of us not to make any noises. Uhuh... Odd, it is.
Anyway, before the B3 sleeping incident, I've used to sleep in D7, and it felt great ^w^ I mean, sleeping with the Delta just seemed to be better. Although they do make noises in the night, but it's an entirely different experience. I mean, at least they don't whisper like hellish mosquitoes, or yelling loudly like a freaking madman in my dorm =w= And from that, I must conclude that B4 is really the WORST dorm of all. From every other dorm I visited, this was the WORST. Haaaiiizzz...
Then, the Malam Penutup. I'm skipping the details in the morning, and only focus at night. I wore the Baju Kemeja that I wore before during the school's prom night along with the tie, which I asked my mom to brought them to me. I slicked my side hairs back, and surprisingly it looked a lot better than my normal looks Owo And more surprisingly... They said that I'm handsome OAO Seriously. They said that. And my GOD not only the Malays, but also the Chineses... Great. What on earth? I don't think I look that good... though it's better than my normal looks... But handsome?! That's a new word =w=
The night was great - the foods, I mean. They've seriously improved in the cooking. YAY! But the performances? Nuh-uh. They SUCKED LIKE HELL. Even SMKTC performances were waaaay better than them. BUT! Only the singings. Dancings? Hell, the Chineses are really good... But the others? Nuh-uh. =w= I mean, they danced Sorry Sorry WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL!!! AND DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT SUCKED?!?!?! Hell, I was dancing the original, and people saluted me! Do you know how much it sucked until the normal people actually saluted ME, an individual who CAN'T dance?! That's the answer you get. The Genie, danced by Chinese and 2 talented Malay guys, is FAR MORE BETTER than the stupid group of females who's so messy in their choreography. I just HATE that performance, more than everything else. BLARAGH! It sucked. I mean, at least Genie followed most of the real MV dances, and though some parts are of their own creation, they still looked GREAT. But the Sorry2?! NOOOOOOOO~ For goddess sake, please don't get up the stage if you're not prepared. SERIOUSLY.
And that's my rants so far in the camp. I will give a revised and detailed report of the days in the camp later... Brain juices dried out. Aries, signed out.
days in PLKN,
Kem Princess Haliza,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Mother fucker. Wtf is wrong wif dis godamn kem. They jz hv no BRAIN. ALL N EVERYONE in dis godamn freaking idiotic kem. Fick dich. Cnt they jz shut it up?! N they taught us ALL about 'pilihan'. 'choices'. Bt do they gv us any choices? None. Theres none. Theres only force. And 2 push away dat force we nid 2 pretend bout evrything. Theres nothing around here is real.
Oh, n i do nt wan 2 b a chinese. It is NEVER MY CHOICE. Since we r born, we hv no choices at all u mite tot dat u cn use ur choices 2 change ur destiny, bt actualy, they had already made all 4 u. Even ur own choice is being decided by ur destiny. Since ur born.
And, nt all elders of us r our 'tchers', bcz they mite nt noe things more than we do. Sumtimes, we noe more than they do. Therefore, i will nt acknowledge any1 whos more inferior than i do as my tcher. Or perhaps they really do hv more experience than we do, bt sumtimes, i jz dun feel 2 acknowledge them as 'tcher'.
Anyway, continue the choices n destiny section. Y do i say dat we cnt chuz? Now, our birthdate n time had already decide our life 4 all of us. Theres an origin g dis fact. In ancient china, theres 1 type of fortune telling, which is so damn accurate dat it had nearly extint until now. Therds, in the whole wide world, r only a few people which u cn use ur fingers 2 count, dat known dis method. N dis method is able 2 calculate all ur future/whole life by using the most acurate birth time n date of a person. It has been proven by world wide in the tv, n none says 'false' or 'fake' about it.
Therefore, i dun think that we had any choices at all. We mite tot dat we had chose dis path, n our future will change. Or dat we try 2 evade 1 calamity dat it mite come 2 us. Bt do u know dat evrything is fate. N no 1 cn change dem. U cn try, yes, bt it will only change a lil. U cnt change all of ur future.
Everything above, is jz my opinion. Thank u 4 reading.
Oh, n i do nt wan 2 b a chinese. It is NEVER MY CHOICE. Since we r born, we hv no choices at all u mite tot dat u cn use ur choices 2 change ur destiny, bt actualy, they had already made all 4 u. Even ur own choice is being decided by ur destiny. Since ur born.
And, nt all elders of us r our 'tchers', bcz they mite nt noe things more than we do. Sumtimes, we noe more than they do. Therefore, i will nt acknowledge any1 whos more inferior than i do as my tcher. Or perhaps they really do hv more experience than we do, bt sumtimes, i jz dun feel 2 acknowledge them as 'tcher'.
Anyway, continue the choices n destiny section. Y do i say dat we cnt chuz? Now, our birthdate n time had already decide our life 4 all of us. Theres an origin g dis fact. In ancient china, theres 1 type of fortune telling, which is so damn accurate dat it had nearly extint until now. Therds, in the whole wide world, r only a few people which u cn use ur fingers 2 count, dat known dis method. N dis method is able 2 calculate all ur future/whole life by using the most acurate birth time n date of a person. It has been proven by world wide in the tv, n none says 'false' or 'fake' about it.
Therefore, i dun think that we had any choices at all. We mite tot dat we had chose dis path, n our future will change. Or dat we try 2 evade 1 calamity dat it mite come 2 us. Bt do u know dat evrything is fate. N no 1 cn change dem. U cn try, yes, bt it will only change a lil. U cnt change all of ur future.
Everything above, is jz my opinion. Thank u 4 reading.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I'm... Alive!!!
Yes, im alive, and... Kicking?
Anyway, please forgive me from nao on dat i wil use txt words. Xwx
Im typing frm mah fon lololol~ xD
Nao, im here in plkn 4 2 weeks adi, n i stil feel DYING until dis point. Blergh. I jz dun like d living in here at all! I mean...
All fuds r spicy.
All activities r sumwat boring.
Sum water r nt filtered owO
Sum toilets nids 2 b heavily maintanenced.
AND A LOT MORE! Grah! >w<
Anyway, im curently here jz 2 tel u ppl dat im alive. ^w^ im gona tel d rest of d things ltr~
Yes, im alive, and... Kicking?
Anyway, please forgive me from nao on dat i wil use txt words. Xwx
Im typing frm mah fon lololol~ xD
Nao, im here in plkn 4 2 weeks adi, n i stil feel DYING until dis point. Blergh. I jz dun like d living in here at all! I mean...
All fuds r spicy.
All activities r sumwat boring.
Sum water r nt filtered owO
Sum toilets nids 2 b heavily maintanenced.
AND A LOT MORE! Grah! >w<
Anyway, im curently here jz 2 tel u ppl dat im alive. ^w^ im gona tel d rest of d things ltr~
Monday, February 8, 2010
Very busy meh...
Insert: Bitter & Sweet (by Rhythem)
Long time no see, those who followed my blog, which...
It's a very few people lolz.
And I even wondered if anyone reads this blog...
First thing.
I SOOOOOOOOO want to go S'pore for my studies.
Because S'pore ish cleaner than M'sia.
Because S'pore has better food than M'sia.
Because S'pore has better schools than M'sia.
Because S'pore has better chances for me than M'sia.
Which I'm strictly watched by mah family.
Which SUCKS.
But to get in there wasn't an easy job, meh.
The assignments weren't easy at all.
Not to mention I'm not sure if I can even hand in the apps in time...
Plus I have NS =w=
Fuck NS.
Fuck this damned country.
Next thing.
I'm SOOOO busy lately.
With what?
Nonono, it's not the computer games you played.
It's "Writing Role Play".
Which you type/write/whatever like you're writing for a novel,
With your own character and some several NPCs if it's possible.
Will not be on in MSN, to chat with people, unless important.
Will not be updating the blog soooo recent.
Will not be going into FB as possible lolz XD
I'll be on 24 hours to download, and leave my MSN open.
If ya see me there, I might not be there.
Because I'm "away" most of the time.
Thanks to the new baby in the house. =w=
Hate kids.
NEVER LIKE 'EM. *roars*
So yeah. I'm busy.
And also busy drawing requests and perhaps writing songs.
So don't expect me lolz =3
I'm gonna promote some RP sites lol X3
If you're THAT free to play, that is.
Because we need ACTIVE players, not INACTIVE people.
So yeah.
First... There's DFRP (Digimon Forum Role Play).
It's a Digimon-related role-playing forum.
And there's good and bad role-players inside.
I'm considered as the good one, lolz X3
Then... There's PA (Persona Awake).
It's a Persona (Shin Megami Tensei) role-playing forum.
Most of the RPers inside are good RPers, but LAZY RPers XD
I'm considered as... The not-lazy one Owo
Finally... There's BGM (Broken Glass-Moon).
It's... a very original role-playing forum, though with heavy influence of Typemoon (Fate/Stay Night Creator) games.
All of the RPers inside are superbly good RPers.
And I'm the least good ones... 'w'
There's more good RP sites out there,
But these three are my most active ones. ^w^
So if you're bored and very free AND good in English, come join us~
All people in the sites are very friendly. =3
Trust me. I've been there. ROAR.
-Akira Rei "Aries", signing out-
Long time no see, those who followed my blog, which...
It's a very few people lolz.
And I even wondered if anyone reads this blog...
First thing.
I SOOOOOOOOO want to go S'pore for my studies.
Because S'pore ish cleaner than M'sia.
Because S'pore has better food than M'sia.
Because S'pore has better schools than M'sia.
Because S'pore has better chances for me than M'sia.
Which I'm strictly watched by mah family.
Which SUCKS.
But to get in there wasn't an easy job, meh.
The assignments weren't easy at all.
Not to mention I'm not sure if I can even hand in the apps in time...
Plus I have NS =w=
Fuck NS.
Fuck this damned country.
Next thing.
I'm SOOOO busy lately.
With what?
Nonono, it's not the computer games you played.
It's "Writing Role Play".
Which you type/write/whatever like you're writing for a novel,
With your own character and some several NPCs if it's possible.
Will not be on in MSN, to chat with people, unless important.
Will not be updating the blog soooo recent.
Will not be going into FB as possible lolz XD
I'll be on 24 hours to download, and leave my MSN open.
If ya see me there, I might not be there.
Because I'm "away" most of the time.
Thanks to the new baby in the house. =w=
Hate kids.
NEVER LIKE 'EM. *roars*
So yeah. I'm busy.
And also busy drawing requests and perhaps writing songs.
So don't expect me lolz =3
I'm gonna promote some RP sites lol X3
If you're THAT free to play, that is.
Because we need ACTIVE players, not INACTIVE people.
So yeah.
First... There's DFRP (Digimon Forum Role Play).
It's a Digimon-related role-playing forum.
And there's good and bad role-players inside.
I'm considered as the good one, lolz X3
Then... There's PA (Persona Awake).
It's a Persona (Shin Megami Tensei) role-playing forum.
Most of the RPers inside are good RPers, but LAZY RPers XD
I'm considered as... The not-lazy one Owo
Finally... There's BGM (Broken Glass-Moon).
It's... a very original role-playing forum, though with heavy influence of Typemoon (Fate/Stay Night Creator) games.
All of the RPers inside are superbly good RPers.
And I'm the least good ones... 'w'
There's more good RP sites out there,
But these three are my most active ones. ^w^
So if you're bored and very free AND good in English, come join us~
All people in the sites are very friendly. =3
Trust me. I've been there. ROAR.
-Akira Rei "Aries", signing out-
Digimon RP,
role-playing forum,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
AME OTO-DA!!!!!!
I'VE DID IT!!!!!!
The Ame Oto that I've did for Kou ish finally being uploaded!!!
But it still sucks.
The piano sucks.
The voice sucks.
I hate myself. =w=
Oh well, at least I did it...
With the help from WindowMovieMaker XD
And I'm entering this for the competition...
Wish me lucks...
I'VE DID IT!!!!!!
The Ame Oto that I've did for Kou ish finally being uploaded!!!
But it still sucks.
The piano sucks.
The voice sucks.
I hate myself. =w=
Oh well, at least I did it...
With the help from WindowMovieMaker XD
And I'm entering this for the competition...
Wish me lucks...
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sudden Inspiration...
Insert: I Gotta Feeling
Hey people, are you interested in any fanfictions? XD
And when I say fanfictions, it means ALL WORDS. (LOL)
And when I say fanfictions, it means ALL FICTIONAL (Duh), and ALL world settings are inside a specific world of an anime, manga or a game.
And when I say fanfictions... It could mean ANY POSSIBLITY.
You want to include yourself in also can. X3
Just finish the template and I'll see how. XD
But beware of any randomness........ *looks to the side*
Name: (The name of zee character)
Age: (Zee age of zee chara)
Gender: (Male, Female, SHEmale Owo)
Relationships You Wanted: (Straight, Yuri, Yaoi, wtv, Bi... Incest........... Owo)
Race: (Any race you can think of... NOT MALAY INDIAN CHINESE. I mean Elves, Orcs, Human, Ghost [WTF], etc. You can even put zombies in here XD)
Class: (Jobs classifications, like Warrior, Archer, Mage, Fighter, etc...)
Strength and Weakness: (What your chara do well and what your chara do bad...)
Appearance: (What's the body of your chara? The clothes it wears? Etc...)
Background Story: (Some of the biographies 'bout your charrie)
Personality: (What's zee personality of your chara?)
Others: (Any other infos you wanna add, add here...)
I will see where you place you into my fics...
Not all worlds can fit ya, you know? Owo
Unless you want to specify... And make it something I know. ^w^
Side Note: I'm just wanted to write some stuffs... X3 Don't mind the randomness...
Hey people, are you interested in any fanfictions? XD
And when I say fanfictions, it means ALL WORDS. (LOL)
And when I say fanfictions, it means ALL FICTIONAL (Duh), and ALL world settings are inside a specific world of an anime, manga or a game.
And when I say fanfictions... It could mean ANY POSSIBLITY.
You want to include yourself in also can. X3
Just finish the template and I'll see how. XD
But beware of any randomness........ *looks to the side*
Name: (The name of zee character)
Age: (Zee age of zee chara)
Gender: (Male, Female, SHEmale Owo)
Relationships You Wanted: (Straight, Yuri, Yaoi, wtv, Bi... Incest........... Owo)
Race: (Any race you can think of... NOT MALAY INDIAN CHINESE. I mean Elves, Orcs, Human, Ghost [WTF], etc. You can even put zombies in here XD)
Class: (Jobs classifications, like Warrior, Archer, Mage, Fighter, etc...)
Strength and Weakness: (What your chara do well and what your chara do bad...)
Appearance: (What's the body of your chara? The clothes it wears? Etc...)
Background Story: (Some of the biographies 'bout your charrie)
Personality: (What's zee personality of your chara?)
Others: (Any other infos you wanna add, add here...)
I will see where you place you into my fics...
Not all worlds can fit ya, you know? Owo
Unless you want to specify... And make it something I know. ^w^
Side Note: I'm just wanted to write some stuffs... X3 Don't mind the randomness...
Friday, January 8, 2010
My head will Smash The Table...
Insert: 100% nai nai nai (Lucky Star, Hiiragi Kagami Image Song)
My head will surely smash the table...
If I haven't finish the 500 undang thingy by now...
And seriously, I LACK OF COMMON SENSE.
And Malay CONFUSES me.
And I HATE it.
Oh, finishing 500 undangs WASN'T easy.
It's not something you can finish in 2 hours.
And my sis said that it's so easy.
You can finish them in 1 hour.
OMG. Are you kidding me??????
For 50 questions, you need 45 mins to finish it.
See, even 50 quessys you need 45 mins to finish it.
This is 500 goddamn questions!
Although, some are REALLY easy.
Still, you CAN'T use 1 or 2 hours to finish it.
And DANG'IT, my brain fails me.
I'm just so BLUR about those...
Demerit points of breaking the rules...
So many typos in this book... (Owo)
And the WEIRDEST thing in this book, some answers are WRONG.
Yes. They're WRONG.
How can you study when the answers are wrong?
When all the questions that they will have on that day are ENTIRELY picked from this book?
Won't you feel UNEASY?
I mean, to choose the right answer, or choose the wrong answer that's correct in the book???
So many STUPID things in this book.
I've began to wonder about my own knowledge.
Whether it's correct, or not.
Stupid. Undang. Laws.
My head will surely smash the table...
If I haven't finish the 500 undang thingy by now...
And seriously, I LACK OF COMMON SENSE.
And Malay CONFUSES me.
And I HATE it.
Oh, finishing 500 undangs WASN'T easy.
It's not something you can finish in 2 hours.
And my sis said that it's so easy.
You can finish them in 1 hour.
OMG. Are you kidding me??????
For 50 questions, you need 45 mins to finish it.
See, even 50 quessys you need 45 mins to finish it.
This is 500 goddamn questions!
Although, some are REALLY easy.
Still, you CAN'T use 1 or 2 hours to finish it.
And DANG'IT, my brain fails me.
I'm just so BLUR about those...
Demerit points of breaking the rules...
So many typos in this book... (Owo)
And the WEIRDEST thing in this book, some answers are WRONG.
Yes. They're WRONG.
How can you study when the answers are wrong?
When all the questions that they will have on that day are ENTIRELY picked from this book?
Won't you feel UNEASY?
I mean, to choose the right answer, or choose the wrong answer that's correct in the book???
So many STUPID things in this book.
I've began to wonder about my own knowledge.
Whether it's correct, or not.
Stupid. Undang. Laws.
The Japanese Club... and my own affairs.
Insert: Pearl Moon (by Koda Kumi)
You know what?
Japanese Club is going to be abolished.
And I'm sad.
Really sad.
Sad because I can't do ANYTHING to help out.
I tried to tell my mom about the problems,
But all the while, she said were:
"Move on. Stop dwelling on the past."
And Monday, as soon as I got back from Star,
My family (except my dad), were there.
Kou should know what happened.
And I do not want it to happen again...
So there, I must turn into a "Good Child".
Goodness. It was like HELL.
I regretted giving my sister my facebook.
And those aunties.
Should've known this will happen.
I can't even SWEAR and CURSE in facebook now.
And she even start to talk bad about you people.
Damn, she even thought I'm into DRUGS.
And she started all those "As a girl, you must act like one."
But seriously,
And my new hairstyle seriously SUCKS.
Fuck it.
Fuck them.
Since I can only sweat in the blogs, I might as well swear as much as I could now. XD
Oh yeah, I can't even say "WTF", by the way.
Seriously, WTF.
Anyway, back to the topic of Japanese club...
We, Kou + Yuki + I, worked SO HARD on this club.
To reopen it...
To make it popular...
And FINALLY able to have SOME members.
But now, the club has been abolished.
I have some guesses.
1. No Advisory Teacher.
2. Not enough member.
3. Not popular.
4. Pn. Tee just feel like closing it up. (Uhuh... =w=)
5. It has too many problems.
6. Pn. Lim decided to let it abolished.
6 guesses.
But all 6 of them might be correct.
All of them have chances...
And seriously, these chances are BAD for us.
Argh!!! I just WISHED I could do something.
Not just... Dwelling on the past or something!
But I just want to, I have the urge to!
Because this is our blood and tears!
You can't just see it to fall, right?
Unless you're a cold-blooded creature.
Oh well.
Enough ramblings.
I know I have no chance for that.
So fine.
I will remember it, and that's the least I could do.
I shall tell all people what the club has been through.
Even if it's abolished, it will still be in our hearts.
I promise you, Nippon-Gakkai.
You know what?
Japanese Club is going to be abolished.
And I'm sad.
Really sad.
Sad because I can't do ANYTHING to help out.
I tried to tell my mom about the problems,
But all the while, she said were:
"Move on. Stop dwelling on the past."
And Monday, as soon as I got back from Star,
My family (except my dad), were there.
Kou should know what happened.
And I do not want it to happen again...
So there, I must turn into a "Good Child".
Goodness. It was like HELL.
I regretted giving my sister my facebook.
And those aunties.
Should've known this will happen.
I can't even SWEAR and CURSE in facebook now.
And she even start to talk bad about you people.
Damn, she even thought I'm into DRUGS.
And she started all those "As a girl, you must act like one."
But seriously,
And my new hairstyle seriously SUCKS.
Fuck it.
Fuck them.
Since I can only sweat in the blogs, I might as well swear as much as I could now. XD
Oh yeah, I can't even say "WTF", by the way.
Seriously, WTF.
Anyway, back to the topic of Japanese club...
We, Kou + Yuki + I, worked SO HARD on this club.
To reopen it...
To make it popular...
And FINALLY able to have SOME members.
But now, the club has been abolished.
I have some guesses.
1. No Advisory Teacher.
2. Not enough member.
3. Not popular.
4. Pn. Tee just feel like closing it up. (Uhuh... =w=)
5. It has too many problems.
6. Pn. Lim decided to let it abolished.
6 guesses.
But all 6 of them might be correct.
All of them have chances...
And seriously, these chances are BAD for us.
Argh!!! I just WISHED I could do something.
Not just... Dwelling on the past or something!
But I just want to, I have the urge to!
Because this is our blood and tears!
You can't just see it to fall, right?
Unless you're a cold-blooded creature.
Oh well.
Enough ramblings.
I know I have no chance for that.
So fine.
I will remember it, and that's the least I could do.
I shall tell all people what the club has been through.
Even if it's abolished, it will still be in our hearts.
I promise you, Nippon-Gakkai.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
:: New Year CRAZY PARTY ::
Okay. Note that everything that posted IN HERE wasn't in orders. They just HAPPENED. And I dunno the orders. Just watch them, okay?
Oh, and don't drink while watching them. Especially for Nikki's vids. YOU WILL THROW UP.
People who's present:
-Esther (She went back at 9 something... =w=)
-Fui Leng [FL] (She came at 8 something...)
Few, but LOADS of fun...
:: My Dare (I dunno why but I only got one dare??? Owo) ::
===Okay, not one dare, just that I never record it... I think? LOL
I'm a Little Teapot SHORT and STOUT~
===That's so me... =w=
:: Chern's Dares ::
===I dunno why, but 2 dirty dances chose him... Owo
Chern saying "I'm ready, Fuck you, Come here" to Kou's sister
CW Tries to dirty dance with the broom... (Part One)
CW Tries to dirty dance with the broom... and failed epikly.
CW Trying to lick the toe of his own... and failed.
CW Doing Dirty Dance on the Wall...
===He learnt more moves other than the broom sticks. XD
CW doing BJ towards his own finger... Eww?
CW Promoting the... Sauce.
===Oyster Brand Panda Sauce. Uhuh.
:: Meso's Dares ::
Taking out his clothes...
Licking Kou's ear...
===Does that feel good? XD
Making out with Naruto...
Putting some certain stuffed yellow thing into his pants...
CW spitting coke- No. Meso spitting coke into CW's mouth...
Stripping in front of the door...
===Can't believe people dare him to do that again... OAo
Wearing a bra... and tries to take off Kou's shirt...
===It's the Grandma's bra... Owo
Fucking Naruto, again.
===Luckily he did not close the door again... -w-
:: Esther's Epicness ::
Can't believe she just got VERY FEW DARES... =w=
Licking the phone Owo
Esther TRIES to make out with Naruto... which she failed.
===thanks to the wetness that Meso did before...
:: Kou's Dares...and Epicness ::
===Can't believe the actings picked him...
===And people are trying to get him with Meso. XD
Acting as Adam... "Duuuhhhh......."
Acting as Kumar...
Acting as Yuki OAo (And failed LOL)
Confessing to FL... and was rejected instantly
===we didn't thought that'll happen XD
Eating chips from Meso's toes...
Exchanging clothes with FL...
===OMG He's a GIRL!!!!!!
And what happened after exchanging...
Humping Naruto... Cowgirl style... (Plus parody of Scary Movie LOL)
===Credit Sounds to: NIKKI
Kou ish licking Meso's chest...
Making out with a poster...
===Sad. No tongue...
Saying "FUCK KAO YOU" to his bro...
Taking coke from the fridge... and strip.
===Reminded me of some SJ (not SEJARAH) members as girls in Julchin Note...
Tries to pass the coke to Meso's mouth...
===And failed because he laughed like mad
===Did later but it's all spilled on the ground...
He wants to murder someone...
WAS going to do sounds of a noisy kissing scene...
===He did later with the sound recorder
Doing BJ to Meso's hand... or trying to swallow it???
Doing BJ to Meso's hand... Back, front, back, front...
*Recommended LOL*
Feeding Meso... MOUTH BY MOUTH.
:: Finally... Nikki's EPIKNESS ::
NOTE: Remember to NOT DRINK while watching her videos. I repeat: DO NOT DRINK.
===All of the below are recommended NOT TO WATCH for your healthy sake. Thank you.
===All of the below are EPIK, and do not bother to put stars above it.
Cat Nikki.
Gorilla Nikki.
Hungry Ghost Nikki.
Nikki coming up from the christmas table. Saw Naruto and said Hi.
==="What a bitch" by Kou
Putting her head into the toilet bowl... EWW!
Vacuuming the chips up...
Nikki humping Naruto- I mean, Naruto humping Nikki.
Shaking her ASS.
Nikki's caressing her boobs.
Oh, and don't drink while watching them. Especially for Nikki's vids. YOU WILL THROW UP.
People who's present:
-Esther (She went back at 9 something... =w=)
-Fui Leng [FL] (She came at 8 something...)
Few, but LOADS of fun...
:: My Dare (I dunno why but I only got one dare??? Owo) ::
===Okay, not one dare, just that I never record it... I think? LOL
I'm a Little Teapot SHORT and STOUT~
===That's so me... =w=
:: Chern's Dares ::
===I dunno why, but 2 dirty dances chose him... Owo
Chern saying "I'm ready, Fuck you, Come here" to Kou's sister
CW Tries to dirty dance with the broom... (Part One)
CW Tries to dirty dance with the broom... and failed epikly.
CW Trying to lick the toe of his own... and failed.
CW Doing Dirty Dance on the Wall...
===He learnt more moves other than the broom sticks. XD
CW doing BJ towards his own finger... Eww?
CW Promoting the... Sauce.
===Oyster Brand Panda Sauce. Uhuh.
:: Meso's Dares ::
Taking out his clothes...
Licking Kou's ear...
===Does that feel good? XD
Making out with Naruto...
Putting some certain stuffed yellow thing into his pants...
CW spitting coke- No. Meso spitting coke into CW's mouth...
Stripping in front of the door...
===Can't believe people dare him to do that again... OAo
Wearing a bra... and tries to take off Kou's shirt...
===It's the Grandma's bra... Owo
Fucking Naruto, again.
===Luckily he did not close the door again... -w-
:: Esther's Epicness ::
Can't believe she just got VERY FEW DARES... =w=
Licking the phone Owo
Esther TRIES to make out with Naruto... which she failed.
===thanks to the wetness that Meso did before...
:: Kou's Dares...and Epicness ::
===Can't believe the actings picked him...
===And people are trying to get him with Meso. XD
Acting as Adam... "Duuuhhhh......."
Acting as Kumar...
Acting as Yuki OAo (And failed LOL)
Confessing to FL... and was rejected instantly
===we didn't thought that'll happen XD
Eating chips from Meso's toes...
Exchanging clothes with FL...
===OMG He's a GIRL!!!!!!
And what happened after exchanging...
Humping Naruto... Cowgirl style... (Plus parody of Scary Movie LOL)
===Credit Sounds to: NIKKI
Kou ish licking Meso's chest...
Making out with a poster...
===Sad. No tongue...
Saying "FUCK KAO YOU" to his bro...
Taking coke from the fridge... and strip.
===Reminded me of some SJ (not SEJARAH) members as girls in Julchin Note...
Tries to pass the coke to Meso's mouth...
===And failed because he laughed like mad
===Did later but it's all spilled on the ground...
He wants to murder someone...
WAS going to do sounds of a noisy kissing scene...
===He did later with the sound recorder
Doing BJ to Meso's hand... or trying to swallow it???
Doing BJ to Meso's hand... Back, front, back, front...
*Recommended LOL*
Feeding Meso... MOUTH BY MOUTH.
:: Finally... Nikki's EPIKNESS ::
NOTE: Remember to NOT DRINK while watching her videos. I repeat: DO NOT DRINK.
===All of the below are recommended NOT TO WATCH for your healthy sake. Thank you.
===All of the below are EPIK, and do not bother to put stars above it.
Cat Nikki.
Gorilla Nikki.
Hungry Ghost Nikki.
Nikki coming up from the christmas table. Saw Naruto and said Hi.
==="What a bitch" by Kou
Putting her head into the toilet bowl... EWW!
Vacuuming the chips up...
Nikki humping Naruto- I mean, Naruto humping Nikki.
Shaking her ASS.
Nikki's caressing her boobs.
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