Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Insert: 平常心 (By A-Mei)

This song is SO GOOD.
Especially for somebody that need coolness (平静) after the long stress of...


Yes, I choose to forget (我选择忘记).

Goodbye my moral.
Goodbye my long time enemy.
I hate you, and I'm free 50% because of you.
I don't need to memorize you anymore.
I don't need to put you in my memory anymore.
I can finally get rid of you.

I'm telling you this, my good friends who followed my blog.
I hate moral.
I never ever followed one of the stupid NILAIS it wants us to remember.
And now, I shall tell you how I did not follow.
And for the last time, I'm going to type all the nilai out.

- Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
Dude, I never really pray to the "Sky". And I don't really have a kepercayaan. I have MULTI. If you really want me to state one, I only have a goddess. And that's not the "Sky".

- Amanah
Ehh? You think I'm a responsible child who never do bad things behind my families' eyes? No. And NEVER. And to add on to that point, I STEAL my mother's $$$ for my own happiness. And yes, they DO owe me that. In my mind. Mwahaha~

- Harga Diri
I did not jaga my image that much, don't I? I always act crazy and all, and NEVER EVER care about my image. Because, that will not be ME, and I just want to be ME, the CRAZY ME. So yeah, out you Harga Diri.

- Bertanggungjawab
Once again, I'm not a good child. I never did the homeworks that the teachers gave to me, I never listen to the teachers, and no, I did not jaga baik the tables and chairs. Thank you.

- Hemah Tinggi
Believe me, everyone in this earth DO NOT have this nilai. Especially when they learn how to say the word "FUCK".

- Toleransi
Oh no, I DO NOT tolerate idiotic and annoying people like... KKS. The SQUARE ASS. Uhuh. Or rather, the most annoying fella in the whole wide world, ANG.

- Berdikari
Even if I am, no one acknowledge me as an independent person. Especially in this damned family.

- Kerajinan
Once again, I am SO NOT RAJIN. I am LAZY!!! Muhahahaha~~~

- Kasih Sayang
Ehh, I'm loving and caring? I don't think so. If I'm really that, I've already donated my whole house of money to the poors and the livings. And, I love violence. So, no kasih no sayang for me.

- Keadilan
I have justice? No. And I must tell, that there's no justice in this world. And I've seen that in my family. Uhuh.

- Rasional
Me? Rational? That's the last thing you'll heard from me.

- Kesederhanaan
Wakaka~ I don't care about other people's importance~ I'm SELFISH!!! Especially towards my family, thank you!

- Kasih Sayang terhadap Keluarga
No way. Never in any way. Just, NO.

- Hormat dan Taat kepada Anggota Keluarga
Again, no way.

- Mengekalkan Tradisi Kekeluargaan
Never do it. No.

- Tanggungjawab terhadap Keluarga
Tanggungjawab towards myself? Yes. Tanggungjawab to them? Go die.

- Menyayangi dan Menghargai Alam Sekitar
I never had the realize to love the nature. If 2012 is going to come, then come! I'm not afraid anyway. People are going to die anyways.

- Keharmonian antara Manusia dengan Alam Sekitar
Err... Not sure what's this harmony between the humans and the AS, so... Basically, I don't care. And I love harmony between the space and the humans more than the nature.

- Kemapanan Alam Sekitar
Ehh~ I don't like these tanggungjawab. Don't push it to me!

- Peka terhadap Isu-Isu Alam Sekitar
Huh? Where got banjir? Where got drought? What?! We're going to fall??? Ahhh~ (Basically, I don't care about isu2 alam sekitar)

- Cinta Akan Negara
NO WAY. There's no way in the earth or the sky I'm going to love my own country. It SUCKS. Sorry you government people, but I seriously hate you all. Thank you.

- Hormat dan Taat kepada Raja dan Negara
I don't even know who's our current raja, so how can I hormat him?

- Sanggup Berkorban untuk Negara
No. There's no way I'm going to korban my computer, or any of my mangas, or any of my money, for the government. No. Way.

- Melindungi Hak Kanak-Kanak
I'm not yet an adult, and no one lindungi my hak. So, no.

- Menghormati Hak Wanita
You know those foul words out there? Those chinese foul words? Those what-Hai and CB and those stuffs? Yeah, THOSE. And FYI, for women, those are insultments. But yet, most people uses it. Wonder why...? And they say they menghormati hak wanita. Uhuh. And I can't do anything about it. Haiz.

- Melindungi Hak Pekerja
Never acknowledge the works of the teachers. Especially that SL. OR the cleaners in the school. Because they never did the jobs right.

- Menghormati Hak Kurang Upaya
I didn't do anything to protect the rights for the OKU, because I just see those people park on the OKU places just like that. Haha?

- Melindungi Hak Individu
Heck, I never care of the other people's importance, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY. And especially they're total STRANGERS. I LOVE to exploit them. Mwahaha?

- Mematuhi Peraturan dan Undang-undang
Mwahahahaha~ You see those rubbish along the street? 10% of those is my work. Thank you~ (Is that something to be proud of???)

- Kebebasan Bersuara
I don't have the kebebasan AT ALL in my house. So, no. And I love to shut some certain person's mouth for my own sake. Mwahaha...

- Kebebasan Beragama
Is there a kebebasan of beragama in here? I don't see it. Because, Adam just don't get his kebebasan of leaving Islam, just because this is Malaysia. And when you're married to an Islam, you are an Islam, and your child will be an Islam, even if they do not wanted to.

- Penglibatan Diri dalam Pembangunan Negara
I'm so not going to menglibatkan diri in this damned country. SO NOT GOING TO. I'm going out from this country, thank you. And what the heck is Perlembagaan M'***??? I so don't get it.

- Sikap Keterbukaan
Bersedia to give comments? Yeah. Bersedia to accept them? Yeah. But mengikuti the norma of our people? No. We use vulgar words. We use so much stuffs that most people can't accept them. And that's not part of this nilai. Mwahaha?

- Hidup Bersama Secara Aman
That's one thing that never going to happen. Especially with my family. No aman for me. NO PEACE AT ALL. In this neighborhood, there's so much noises. And no, that's not peace.

- Saling Membantu dan Bekerjasama
Sometimes, I just can't find myself to bekerjasama. So, no.

- Saling Menghormati Antara Negara
Sorry, but I don't even respect my own country, so seriously not our neighbor country too, I********.

Phew, 36 nilai. And violating every and single one of those.
Good job me! (Eh???)

So finally, I can have a serene time,
Without memorizing those nilai,
Slowly get them out from my mind,
And enjoy all my superb musics.


(MV: Aren't you forgetting that you still need to read Science?)


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